Thursday, February 26, 2009

Numbers Game

I confided in my sister yesterday that I had hit a new low. And it was a good thing. It has probably been over 20 years since I actually weighed what the Wii said yesterday morning. She asked if I had hit my goal. No but I was close. I want lose a few more pounds so that I'm solidly in the "normal" range and have some wiggle room. Yesterday I was about a half a pound into the "normal" range.

And that discussion lead to other things, in particular the ideal weight. Andrea made the comment that she didn't trust all those charts since they all said something different and still claimed to be "normal".

She was so right. I did a little Google search for my ideal weight. According to one website, if I decide I'm small boned, which is possibility, I'm 18 pounds overweight right now. There is no one that has seen me lately that would think I'm 18 pounds overweight.

If I'm medium-boned, a more likely option, then I still have a ways to go, but I'm only minimally overweight. But the Wii says I'm normal.

The point is this. Don't get caught up in the numbers. We know that muscle weighs more than fat. I know people that are built like rock walls and are "overweight" according to the charts. Go with how you feel. Are your clothes looser? Do you have more energy? Do you feel good in general? Are you liking what you see in the mirror? That's the important thing.

A number is just a number. It's like an opinion, everyone has one.

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