Monday, November 30, 2009

Good Things - 11/30/09

Sorry I'm late! Too much to do last night and couldn't stay awake long enough to do it!

Today's tip - the entire Special K family of products.

Kellogg's has gone above and beyond in the quest for fitness. They have developed so many different things, besides their cereals, to help in this battle of the bulge.

I have tried the cereal (4 of the 8 flavors), the cereal bars (4 of the 7 flavors), Bliss bars (tried both), waffles (have had both)and the snack crackers (both flavors). They also have protein drinks, protein bars, protein meal and protein water mixes.

I have, so far, missed the protein line.

I like that the snack foods are packaged in 100 calorie or less sizes.

I like that they are portable - couple of them made the trip last week and I keep some in my desk.

I like that there is enough variety that I don't get bored.

I like that some of them taste like I'm splurging but I'm really not.

They also have a nice website to help you design a plan, tips and tools, recipes, and so forth.

I think they are committed to better health, and that is what we're all about.

So, raise your spoon to Kellogg's and Special K!