Thursday, March 26, 2009


In today's newsletter from Denise Austin the topic was laughter and how good it is for you - physically and mentally. Obviously laughter is going to improve your mood, helps release stress, and gives you an overall feeling of well being.

It also does a pretty good number on your abdominal muscles if you can really get a good belly laugh going.

Well, while the topic is not entirely appropriate here, I have to say that my day's workout is now complete thanks to a text I received this morning. My sister sent me the funniest thing this morning about something that had happened to her. That was one of the best laughs I've had this week. My last good belly laugh was Saturday while I was brushing my teeth to go to bed. Billy found a creative way to remind me it was my turn to pick up the newspaper on Sunday morning and we just could not stop laughing.

So, Denise is right.

Laugh. Laugh hard. Laugh often.