Monday, January 26, 2009

Tip for Today #7

Think First

Your mind is the most important tool in your personal toolbox. Use it wisely.

I've said before that I'm not really big on keeping a food diary - only a log - but that doesn't mean that I'm not tuned in to the emotions that can accompany eating. Your mind can tell you that you're grabbing that piece of chocolate or pint of ice cream for all the wrong reasons. Your mind can tell you that you're only eating out of boredom. Or it can steer your towards that piece of fruit rather than a piece of fruit pie.

Your mind also can get totally pumped up after a workout. Its a proven fact that exercise releases endorphins and you feel better and think more clearly. That's one of the reasons that I try to work out in the mornings. It gets my brain up and ready for the day.

Your brain helps you make intelligent choices. So while we are working out our physical selves, our mental selves are actually running the show. That's not to say that you shouldn't have that piece of chocolate or whatever but eat it "intelligently" - thoughtfully, aware and in control.

Tip for Today #6

Surround Yourself

This tip is a multi-tasker.

First, surround yourself with "the good stuff". Not to overstate the obvious, but if you can identifiy your weaknesses then you can rid your environment of the stuff that tempts you. A chocolate milkshake is a whole lot harder to get if you have to get dressed and drive down to the Dairy Queen as opposed to just opening the freezer. Exercise can be made a habit if you leave your walking shoes in sight.

There are lots of good food alternatives out there. Personally, I love ice cream. I, thanks to my husband, have discovered the Skinny Cow line of ice cream products. Most are all under 100 calories and satisfy my need. Several snack lines make 100 calories packs. Throw some grapes in a bowl instead of chips. Some motion and sensation of eating one item at a time. Much better for you. Repackage your snacks into single serving sizes, or buy individual bags of chips instead of family size bags. Keep some bananas on the counter so you can easily grab a piece of fruit. Make this journey a little easier on yourself wherever possible.

I know what some of you are thinking - I have kids and they need their snacks. True. But shouldn't they be learning good habits and making good choices also? Don't you want to be a good role model? Hasn't it been proven that we're raising a generation of overweight children? Let them take some control over their health as well.

Secondly, surround yourself with information. Know your ideal weight. Know what your blood pressure and cholesterol counts are, and what they should be. Know what a serving size is. Know how many calories walking a mile and a half in 30 minutes is going burn. Know what motivates you.

Thirdly, surround yourself with supportive people. Believe it or not, some people won't respond well to your changes. For different reasons - insecurity, jealousy, pettiness. Don't let them get into your head. You are making the right changes for yourself and no one can take that away.

Thought for Today

From my daily calendar of quotes (author not listed):

Mark well the three most important words in your vocabulary: persistence, persistence, persistence!