Monday, January 26, 2009

Tip for Today #7

Think First

Your mind is the most important tool in your personal toolbox. Use it wisely.

I've said before that I'm not really big on keeping a food diary - only a log - but that doesn't mean that I'm not tuned in to the emotions that can accompany eating. Your mind can tell you that you're grabbing that piece of chocolate or pint of ice cream for all the wrong reasons. Your mind can tell you that you're only eating out of boredom. Or it can steer your towards that piece of fruit rather than a piece of fruit pie.

Your mind also can get totally pumped up after a workout. Its a proven fact that exercise releases endorphins and you feel better and think more clearly. That's one of the reasons that I try to work out in the mornings. It gets my brain up and ready for the day.

Your brain helps you make intelligent choices. So while we are working out our physical selves, our mental selves are actually running the show. That's not to say that you shouldn't have that piece of chocolate or whatever but eat it "intelligently" - thoughtfully, aware and in control.

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