Saturday, March 28, 2009

Change and Discipline

The following came from my Upper Room devotional this morning. While it was primarily geared, when written, to address our spiritual beings, it seemed to fit what we're all trying to do with our physical beings as well.

WHEN DEVELOPING a disciplined practice, one of the most valuable gifts we can give ourselves is gentleness. In everyday life, we tend to associate discipline with rigidity, rules, and consequences for misbehavior. Sometimes this kind of discipline is indeed necessary. However, we tend to downplay the equally important role of gentleness in making changes. Change requires a great deal of effort from anyone engaged in it, even if the change is positive. Change plunges a previously ordered system into temporary chaos, and chaos is stressful. Gentleness takes into account our effort and stress; treating ourselves gently is a way of offering encouragement and appreciation for the work being done.

- Sarah Parsons
A Clearing Season: Reflections for Lent

Now, go have a wonderful day!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


In today's newsletter from Denise Austin the topic was laughter and how good it is for you - physically and mentally. Obviously laughter is going to improve your mood, helps release stress, and gives you an overall feeling of well being.

It also does a pretty good number on your abdominal muscles if you can really get a good belly laugh going.

Well, while the topic is not entirely appropriate here, I have to say that my day's workout is now complete thanks to a text I received this morning. My sister sent me the funniest thing this morning about something that had happened to her. That was one of the best laughs I've had this week. My last good belly laugh was Saturday while I was brushing my teeth to go to bed. Billy found a creative way to remind me it was my turn to pick up the newspaper on Sunday morning and we just could not stop laughing.

So, Denise is right.

Laugh. Laugh hard. Laugh often.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lest I Jinx Myself....

I think I've finally dropped far enough down into the "normal" range! I've been "normal" the last 5 days - the last couple of those I've been creeping back up the scale, but still in the right range.

I just LOVE when my Mii gives me the thumbs up instead of watching her belly pooch out. Now, if I don't get some serious exercise tonight I may not make it tomorrow, but 5 STRAIGHT DAYS. That's a record for me.

And one that I'm actually very proud of. Almost as good as the day I got 451 points heading the soccer ball.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


This is Denise Austin's Newsletter for today. I take no credit for today's post.

I always caution people that there are no quick fixes to weight loss, and that's true. Hard work, time, and dedication are what's needed to reach your goals! It's the only way to win lasting results.
But while slow and steady wins the race, there are still a few ways you can increase your body's calorie-burn rate! Try these tips to keep your metabolism humming at top speed during your workouts and throughout the day!

Go aerobic — choose a routine with enough intensity to make a difference! Walking, biking, cross-country skiing, swimming, and step aerobics are all great, heart-healthy choices!

Don't skip meals or snacks, especially breakfast — you'll activate your body's starvation response and actually slow your metabolic rate! Small meals throughout the day keep your metabolism burning at a steady pace.

Exercise for at least 30 minutes — after a half hour, your body starts tapping into stored energy (that is, fat) to keep moving!

Shake it up — change your workout every six weeks. Your body will have to work harder to adapt to a new routine!

Avoid alcohol and smoking — both keep your body from burning belly fat.

A few changes to your routine can give your body the boost it needs to keep burning fat. Give them a try today!

Now, go have a great day! (That's from me!)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I love comparing "Wii" stories with Deanne!! It's like sharing a very special friend!!

Finally, a good doctor's report for me - my cholesterol is down to 205 - it's been pushing 240 for a decade!! That's plenty of motivation to keep me on track!! Not to mention that I've lost 9 lbs. since January 1st. YEAH!!! And even though I really miss my cokes and chocolate - living without caffeine has made more of a difference in how I feel than I EVER thought possible!! Now that the days are longer and the weather so nice - I'm hoping to start putting in "two a days" - 30 mins. of exercise in the morning and 30 mins. after work.

Friday, March 20, 2009


I was actually chastised by the Wii this morning.


I was doing the free step for 30 minutes. The goal is to reach 2400 steps. You will recall a while back that I actually passed the 4,000 step mark in 30 minutes. So that is always my personal goal when I get started.

So, I hit 800 steps in about 6 minutes. 800 steps is the Wii goal for 10 minutes. There is a woman's voice that talks to you throughout. One of her jobs is to let you know your step count (the free step and the free run are the two "games" that you can actually change the channel and watch regular TV so the remote talks to you). She said "You've reached 800 steps!", which is usually the end of the sentence.

But today, she continued. "You're going too fast! Step with the rhythm! Going to fast could cause you to lose your balance and fall off the Wii balance board!" Well, hearing all of that nearly caused me to fall off the balance board. I've never heard it before.

Then, of course, I got tickled. There's never anyone else around to hear what hear so I can't share it. But the thought that the Wii was getting on to me was just too funny.

Now, it did not slow me down. (Remember, I will not listen to anyone who is negative!) I finished the 30 minutes with 4,236 steps.

I wonder what she'll have to say about that!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

See, I Told You

Now, I've been saying how exercise doesn't have to be work, doesn't have to be a time-consuming activity. Here is Denise Austin's Newsletter from March 17 with some tips.

Become a Stair Master!
Keeping up with your exercise sessions - a walk, a bike ride, a strength-training workout, a fitness class - is great and goes a long way toward burning calories and making you feel fit. But don't forget the importance of working more physical activity into your daily routine! One easy way to remind yourself is to think about every little step you take!

Simple choices, like regularly taking the stairs instead of the elevator, keep your body burning calories all day long. Short bursts of activity like that can really add up - which is especially important on days when you can't find time to work out. Here are some tips on stepping your activity up a notch:

* Climb on. Take the stairs instead of elevators and escalators at home, at work, and anywhere else you can. In addition to burning more calories, you'll save time - a University of South Carolina study once showed that waiting to ride an elevator takes 20 seconds longer than climbing up one flight of stairs. And you've probably seen people zip past you on the stairs while you've been stuck standing on a crowded escalator.
* Split it up. If you need to go up several flights and can't climb them all, try a combination of the stairs and the elevator. Remember, every step counts!
* Take it down. Don't forget to take the stairs on the way down too. One study of hikers in the Alps found that hiking downhill (similar to going downstairs) had unique health benefits - it helped lower blood sugar levels (whereas going uphill lowered cholesterol).

If you're used to skipping the stairs, think again (unless, of course, you have knee problems or other health concerns that make stair-climbing unsafe for you). Today, see if you can take the stairs at least once when you normally wouldn't. Then tomorrow, do it twice. In no time, you'll be a stair master!

I added the emphasis to the word choices because that is what I keep talking about - making good choices that ultimately improve your overall health, not just your waistline. And with Spring right around the corner (hopefully!!) the opportunities to get out and get that exercise should be abundant!

Now, go have a great day!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Number Eleven

11. I will not make excuses

(OK, I know I blamed the time change for not getting up every morning last week at 4:30. I did make it by Friday and I do believe that was a true physiological issue. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.)

That aside, I hear a lot of people making excuses for what really are just poor choices.

"I haven't been able to eat well, I have too much stress." To that I say you are making the choice of what you're eating. You can grab a bowl of grapes as easily as a bag of chips, an apple instead of cookie. And besides, exercise is a great stress releaser. Go for walk outside instead of to the refrigerator.

"I don't have time to exercise". As my wise sister once said when I tried to use that excuse, we're all given the same 24 hours in a day its all in what you do with them. Schedules are full and our lives are busy but I've tried to show ways that you can incorporate exercise without a lot of effort, especially on the days when setting aside a specific time for exercise doesn't fit too well.

You can set yourself up to succeed or to fail. No one does it for you or to you. Everything rests in your choices.

Ultimately, you are in charge of your destiny. Now, grab that bull by the horns, jump on his back and ride him for all he's worth. You may get bucked off a time, or two.

Setbacks happen.

But as long as you're trying, there's no need for excuses.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Laugh at Yourself

You know what they say about all work and no play. To me, life without laughter really isn't living. I try to make everything as much fun as I can.

So, I'm working out this morning. I decided that since I had slacked off last week (TOTALLY blaming the time change for being unable to get up at 4:30 every morning) I would put in a pretty good hour. The weather has been rainy and cold so a "ride on the pain train" (Billy's term for playing tennis with me) was out of the question. Dancing sounded like fun.

OK, if you aren't familiar with the Wii Dance Revolution game it works like this. You have a big step pad with arrows and you try to step on the arrows, in rhythm, that correspond to the ones popping up on the screen. Now, there is also an emcee talking in the background. Very 70s disco. "Feel the vibe!" "This groove is awesome!"

The one that I find the funniest is this one: "Nobody moves like you!" All I can think is that if it were a real person watching that phrase would not be said as a compliment. So everytime he says it I answer, "and that is not a good thing!" And I get tickled.

I can only imagine how ridiculous this uncoordinated, 42-year-old body looks stomping (yes, stomping since I'm nowhere close to dancing) on this big dance pad, remotes shaking at the same time, trying to follow the arrows. I just make myself laugh thinking about it!

But hey, at least I'm trying. And I will get it. Its a goal. And goals are meant to be worked towards.

And I'm going to enjoy the ride, every "stomp" along the way.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My Ten "Commandments"

10. I will not listen to those who are negative

9. I will reach out to help others in their journey for better health

8. I will remember who I'm doing this for - myself

7. I will strive to make exercise a part of my daily life, not a chore that has to be done but a routine that needs to be done

6. I will remember that I'm only given one body in this life and it is up to me to take good care of it

5. I will try to do my best every day, remembering that some days will be better than others

4. I will place a high priority on my health

3. I will not obsess, but I will be vigilant

2. I will change my life from the inside, out

1. I will love myself, no matter what.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

In Tennis, Love Means Nothing

I think I have mentioned before that my better half decided after 19 years together to take "She Who Cannot Walk Without Tripping" - my Indian name - and take me from being a tennis spectator to a full-fledged participant.


No simple task, I assure you.

I mean, I knew the basics of the game. We watch tons of tennis. I know how to keep score and so forth. But I've never really made an effort to play. That whole lack of coordination always held me back.

Also, we have tried to play a few times over the years. But after I hit all the balls over the fence in the first few minutes, it really wasn't a lot of fun for him anymore. This time, he was serious. I was glad. I needed something else to add to the workout routine. Shake things up a bit. And I wanted to see if I could do anything remotely athletic. I was serious, too.

Normally, I can use "but I'm a delicate flower" to get out of a lot of stuff. That does not play on the courts. Once we step inside the fence, he's all business. No holding back. I've been called lazy, sloppy, etc. I've been told I need to try harder, pick my feet up, put out some effort. He hits hard balls, net balls, spins, lobs, side to side, long balls. You name it. He has me running all over the court!

I got frustrated a few weeks back and gave him a look. You know, you've all got one. And he just said "This is how I'd train a son if I had one. Should work for you, too." Having a touch of Marat Safin in me, I do tend to step it up a bit if I get frustrated with myself.

I have a bad habit of looking at the racket when I completely miss a ball that I should have gotten. I was told today that yes, there are a lot of holes in that racket head but none of them were big enough for ball to slip through. Pretty good line, I thought. Made me smile.

Being fair and balanced, he's also quick with praise when I get to a ball he didn't think I would, or hit a good one that he had trouble returning. It's not all tearing down, there's a lot of building up as well. I love it when he tells me I'm improving (which my backhand is, by the way). And I don't have to ask, he just tells me.

I guess it just makes me feel good. We're spending time together - my efforts to get in shape aren't cutting into "family time" thereby eliminating an excuse not to do it. We're outside soaking up the sunshine and fresh air. I'm giving my brain a rest and using the rest of my body for a change. It doesn't hurt that the Wii gives you double credits for tennis.

So, try to get your family involved in your exercise habits whenever you can. Bike together. Takes walks in the neighborhood. Exercise doesn't have to be a chore. And everyone is picking up some better habits.

Getting in shape can actually be fun.


I wouldn't lie about that.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Cleanse

I am an avid reader of People Magazine. Read it every morning while I do my hair and brush my teeth. I was somewhat dismayed this past week to discover they had done a spread on celebrities and what they do to get "red carpet ready" and focused on the cleansing and detoxification processes.


Now, to People's credit, there was a small, and not nearly as glamorous as the photo spread, box with the medical doctors' opinions of these methods. I wish that it had been given equal space. There is really nothing good about most of these "quick fixes". The doctors pointed out the lack of nutrients and proteins in the potions that you drink for a weekend or whatever. One of them is maple syrup, cayenne pepper and lemon juice. I don't even know how you'd take the first sip that concoction, much less live on it for a few days!

I was happy to see that several of the celebrities admitted that they felt horrible when they do these - no energy, cranky, hard to be around.

Maybe it is just their body's way of letting them know that feeding it with junk and then trying to hurry and "clean house" comes with consequences. It may sound enticing - lose 7 pounds overnight! - but what are you really losing? And what are you gaining? Another bad habit, maybe.

Just remember, your body will respond to what you give it - be it healthy foods, exercise, a day of rest. In the long run - that's what we're aiming for here, a long, healthy life - and your body will be better off to just make the right choices up front.

And if you need to be "red carpet ready" for some reason and you don't think you've quite gotten there, there's always Spanx.

The Weigh-in


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Thought for Today

From Denise Austin's Newsletter this morning:

Actions speak louder than words. Stop talking and get walking!
— Denise