Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Success Stories

Denise Austin's Newsletter of 12/28/09:

There's a reason why people like hearing and reading success stories. These feel-good tales are constant proof that others have had similar struggles - and, most important, that they've gotten through them!

Especially moving are stories that begin with someone who's made unhealthy choices that lead to such life-threatening diseases as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, or cancer. And when that person is a friend or relative, the message is all the more powerful. Fortunately, what these accounts teach us is that by eating right and exercising regularly you do have the power to turn your life around - and prevent these ailments from happening in the first place!

So on those days when you're lacking willpower, think of those success stories. That formerly obese 40-year-old mother of three who now looks and feels like she's 30, that 60-year-old woman who runs marathons, that 55-year-old man who was able to reverse his type 2 diabetes by adjusting his diet and hitting the gym. They all made it to the other side, often emerging stronger - physically, mentally, and emotionally. That can and will be you!

In 2010 let's hear some of YOUR success stories. Small successes or really big news, let's share them all!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Good Things - 12/28/09

The Gift of Forgiveness.

OK, if you are like me, forgiveness is a big deal right now. I love the holidays and all the baked goods. Love to be in my kitchen making new things and feeding others. I also love college football and Bowl Day has turned into weeks but you can't watch the bowl games without snacks.

Lots and lots of snacks.

So, I am cutting myself a little slack. Only a little, let's not get crazy here, and enjoying the time left before I have to totally and completely get back on the wagon.

Life is for enjoying and I get so little time with some of my family and friends back home that I wasn't going to not do something or try something simply because it didn't fit in that day's calorie count.

So, I forgive myself for the extra cookies, and the Punk Pink Cosmo at TGIFriday's, and the birthday cake for my mom, and so forth. January is just around the corner and a new month is always a good time to start, or restart, new habits.

Now, go have a wonderful day!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Good Things - 12/21/09

The Gift of Love.

Love yourself.

Remember, if you don't love yourself then it will be almost impossible for others to really love you. I say that because when we don't love, or even really like, ourselves then we put up subtle and subconscious barriers to others. We close ourselves off and don't let in the people that we need the most.

I had someone tell me once, after I'd lost all the weight, "you are so beautiful now!". I know the intent was to pay me a compliment but I looked this person in the eye and said "I was beautiful before also."

And I meant it. Not in a completely physical way. I would never dream to call myself "beautiful" in that kind of way. But I never really considered my physical appearance to be a hindrance to anything I wanted to do.

I believe myself to be basically a good person. I try to be kind and helpful and considerate and all other manner of positive attributes. I like to think that spilled over into a positive mental attitude that wasn't concerned with the size on the label in my clothes.

I loved myself. I loved myself at my heaviest, and I still do. I loved myself enough to make the changes I needed to help improve the odds that I get to enjoy this life for a long, long time. I know that none of know how long we'll be here on this Earth but you can certainly do things to help make your journey as long as possible.

So, love yourself. It is one of the most important steps you can take.

Now, go have a great day!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Too Good Not to Share

Sums up everything I try to say:

Success isn't determined by pounds, pant sizes, or inches. It is determined by your ability to make positive lifelong changes every day.
- Denise
(from Denise Austin's newsletter 12/17/09)

Now, go have a wonderful day!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Good Things - 12/14/09

The Gift of Freedom.

Freedom to try the egg nog or just one more appetizer.

Freedom to not worry, for just a little while, about one extra cookie.

Freedom to enjoy the holidays, secure in the knowledge that you'll be back on track in a a couple of weeks.

But not to run hog wild and pig crazy, as my daddy used to say. Everything in moderation. You can enjoy your holidays and still maintain that healthier lifestyle you've been working so hard on.

Now, go have a great day.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Good Things - 12/6/09

Words of Encouragement.

In the spirit of Christmas I thought for the next few weeks I'd try to focus on what we can give to others rather than just what we can do for ourselves.

Words of encouragement sounds like an easy, no-brainer kind of thing but it can sometimes be more difficult that we think.

I'm not really talking about compliments here; I'm talking real, honest-to-goodness encouragement. Helping each other when we're down. Boosting each other over the humps that we will inevitably hit.

Still sounds easy, doesn't it?

Here is what I sometimes find. Even though women all talk about sisterhood, we can be each other's worst enemy. Sometimes we start to view someone else's success as a reflection of our own failure. We go from "Boy you look beautiful" to telling someone else "I can't believe she wore that dress!" We compare ourselves in negative ways so therefore we start to not truly encourage but to secretly hope for failure.

We don't tell someone that they shouldn't eat that cake because we don't want them to lose more weight than us. We don't offer to go on a walk with them and help them with their exercise because they might look better at the Christmas party next week.

That kind of makes us ugly on the inside, doesn't it?

We should, instead, help each other. Confident in knowing that we will be the recipient of that same help when we need it.

Wars are not won by individual soldiers. Football games are not won just by the quarterback.

This is a team effort I'm talking about. Everyone reading this does, or at least should, have someone that is supporting them. You know you've got me at a minimum. Likewise, I know I have all of you.

So let's remember to help not only each other, but everyone that we come in contact with. We don't always know what someone may be struggling with, but if we can somehow lend support, then we should do it.

So, my words of encouragement to each of you are these: Love yourself. You look marvelous no matter where you are in your quest for your goals. Don't give up hope when it seems impossible. Be fair and honest with yourself.

And above all, enjoy the ride. Life is a journey, after all.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Eat Right!

Borrowed from Denise Austin's Newsletter on 12/2/09:

Looking for a way to get even more bang for your nutritional buck? Try these "superfoods"! They're loaded with essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to help you feel great, and they even help fight disease! Incorporate them into your diet today!

Almonds: A source of "good" fat, almonds can help your heart by lowering bad cholesterol!

Berries: They're jammed with vitamins - particularly vitamin C - but new research has found these sweet little sensations to be ace disease fighters too, helping to prevent bladder infections and even cancers, among other illnesses.

Broccoli: Folate, vitamin C, calcium - broccoli is packed with all these awesome nutrients. Now researchers think it might also fight cancer!

Avocado: The large number of calories in a serving of avocado is totally worth it! This source of healthy fat contains a ton of vitamin K and potassium and is also associated with lower cholesterol and even the prevention of breast cancer!

Salmon: Low in calories, easy to prepare, and amazingly good for you - what's not to love about salmon? And the omega-3 fatty acids in salmon are great for your heart!

Olive oil: Another good fat! Besides making your food incredibly tasty, olive oil can also protect you from heart disease.

Green tea: So much research has touted the benefits of green tea, it's hard to know where to begin! But here's a sample: A Japanese study in 2006 showed that green tea lowered the risk of death from all causes. How's that for a superfood?

I know we've talked about a lot of these before, but a little reminder never hurts...

Now, go have a great day!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I Went, I Saw, I Ate

Tiramisu, Gelato, Cannolli

Pizza, Pasta

Fortunately, I also walked.

A lot.

Miles. Easy to do when you keep getting lost.

Here's the really cool part (not that all of the above were not really cool) - I came home from Italy having lost 2/10th of a pound.

I say that not to brag. I think the real victory was not in losing but was just not gaining. (I've managed to do that since I got home and am no longer walking miles and miles every day).

My point is this, and I've said it before, don't let your quest for a healthy lifestyle ruin any fun. Yes, I paid attention to what I ate. I ate gelato once. We split the tiramisu and the cannolli. But I didn't miss out on a truly wonderful experience with food because I was watching my weight.

You still have to experience life, just do it smartly.

I've always said your brain IS the most important tool you have in this battle so use it.

Just for grins, here are the pictures of our Thanksgiving lunch. While all of you were eating healthy turkey and vegetables this was ours:

Spaghetti and Grilled Sausages over French Fries. I didn't have a vegetable for over a week. Couldn't find green beans on the menu....