Monday, December 21, 2009

Good Things - 12/21/09

The Gift of Love.

Love yourself.

Remember, if you don't love yourself then it will be almost impossible for others to really love you. I say that because when we don't love, or even really like, ourselves then we put up subtle and subconscious barriers to others. We close ourselves off and don't let in the people that we need the most.

I had someone tell me once, after I'd lost all the weight, "you are so beautiful now!". I know the intent was to pay me a compliment but I looked this person in the eye and said "I was beautiful before also."

And I meant it. Not in a completely physical way. I would never dream to call myself "beautiful" in that kind of way. But I never really considered my physical appearance to be a hindrance to anything I wanted to do.

I believe myself to be basically a good person. I try to be kind and helpful and considerate and all other manner of positive attributes. I like to think that spilled over into a positive mental attitude that wasn't concerned with the size on the label in my clothes.

I loved myself. I loved myself at my heaviest, and I still do. I loved myself enough to make the changes I needed to help improve the odds that I get to enjoy this life for a long, long time. I know that none of know how long we'll be here on this Earth but you can certainly do things to help make your journey as long as possible.

So, love yourself. It is one of the most important steps you can take.

Now, go have a great day!

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