Monday, October 26, 2009

Good Things - 10/26/09

Splenda with Fiber.

Studies indicate that most adults need between 20 and 25 grams of fiber each day.

Trust me, that can be harder to achieve than it sounds. Especially if you don't just want to each a fiber bar two or three times a day.

Each packet of Splenda with fiber contains one gram of fiber.

It just got a little easier to work towards your goal, depending of course on your use of sweetener.

I use 4 packets each morning in my big coffee mugs.

I get 20% of my daily recommendation without really even trying.

Which is good since the other 80% can be a challenge.

Now, the downside: some people have experienced a little gastrointestinal upset if you try to get all 20 grams just from the Splenda right off the bat. Might want to ease into it.

Achieving a healthy lifestyle isn't always easy. This is one just little tip to make the journey a little simpler.