Friday, December 31, 2010

Tomorrow is Another Day, and Year

I always assess my year on New Year's Eve. Highlight the good stuff; analyze the bad stuff, plan for new stuff.

While I'm not thrilled with how this year went, fitness-wise, I do subscribe to the Scarlett O'Hara Philosophy of Life which is "Tomorrow is another day".

And in this case, another year.

Each day that we get up is another day to make positive changes. Or a chance to at least stop doing something negative. A new day, a fresh beginning.

I let a lot of things slip these last six months. A lot of things. Things that I need to re-implement.

And there's no time like today - unless you want to wait until tomorrow.

Yesterday I rode my bike to work and walked Riley. The first real, organized and planned exercise I had in weeks. The holidays are crazy! You get lots of walking when you're shopping, but you're also eating things you might not otherwise eat; at times you don't normally eat, and (possibly) have one more glass of the good stuff than you normally do.

Which is all fine. Life is to be enjoyed. But to be around to enjoy it even longer, those lapses in routine and good judgment need to monitored and tempered a little.

So, I will get up tomorrow with a new plan and new direction. I got a new Wii fitness game to try and some other modifications to my daily routine to implement. Maybe it's all psychological, but I like starting new things or changing my routines on the first of something - first day of the week, month, and, in this case, the year.

So, here's to 2011! A fresh start and a new chance to do all the things I didn't get done last year.

May you all have a blessed and safe new year and may 2011 be all that you want it to be!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm a big fan of Scarlett too!