Wednesday, May 26, 2010

You CAN Do It!

One of the comments on my Day 730 post was from my cousin. She said she knew losing was hard but I was making it look easy.

I was never trying for easy (but feel kinda good if I did) but I was trying for attainable.

I've always wanted everyone to see that I'm no different from anyone else with weight issues. I just made up my mind to do something about it and did.

Anyone can do it that wants to.

No tricks, no gimmicks, no pills, no shortcuts, no surgeries.

No nothing other than making new decisions, forming new habits and sticking with it.

Ain't easy.

Some days are a struggle. I've tried to chronicle those here as well. Some days I want to just give in and have another slice of pizza or one more scoop of (sugar free, low fat) ice cream. Some days I do give in but I work really hard the next day.

I don't give in permanently.

That was how I got into that shape in the first place.

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