Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Easy Come, Easy Go....


Still struggling to get back down to my "fighting weight", as my daddy would say. It is just amazing to me that letting loose for only a couple of days - and that is all it was - has taken me almost a month to get over. I exercised over the holidays. I didn't seriously overeat.

Couple of extra little pies here and there that my body wasn't used to, but not like a whole pie anything like that!

And this is my toughest time. With busy season it is so hard to get up early and really exercise and I'm often too tired when I finally get home at night. And it is a constant battle not to snack.

But I know I really have to try and stay on top of my healthy habits. I will ultimately feel better and get more done if I'm staying on track.

I did walk home for lunch today and back so that helps a little. Breaks the day up, gets the mind working for the afternoon and all of that. Billy isn't crazy about me walking to and from work when its dark so I may have to just reserve that for lunchtime.

So I am trying, and I am chipping away at it. I can see the arrow going down a little bit every day but I really thought it would go much faster than this!

Billy picked up the new Jenny McCarthy's Your Shape disc for the Wii and I've been trying it for the last couple of weeks.

It is a very good workout and somewhat customizable. I'll report back after I've done it a little longer and give a review.

Have a great week everyone!

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