Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Get Inspired!

It's working!

I'm not going to extol the virtures of the Wii Fit Plus since I know you all are tired of hearing about it.

But I will tell you what having new challenges is doing for me. That is the important part.

If you've read lately you know that I was getting a little down about not making any progress lately, and trying to be "OK" with where I was. I talked about how maintaining my weight loss was harder than actually losing it to start with.

BUT - since I have something that is challenging me again, things are changing. Those little niggling pounds that weren't coming off, as well as those "prodigal pounds" (the ones that went away and then came back!) have gone away. I've almost gotten back to my original goal of 53 pounds - which I touched earlier this year before the rebound.

As of this morning, I was about a pound away.

But, most importantly, I'm having fun again. I'm excited about working out. Billy and I got to play tennis again a few weeks ago for the first time since I hurt my foot in June. When I was out of town on business I worked out twice a day and logged anywhere from 90 to 110 minutes a day. And I still didn't want to stop. I'm having a ball right now!

So, find your challenge. I still have ballet lessons on my To Do list but because of work trips and pleasure trips and holidays I wasn't going to be able to do the whole 6 week class and I want to do the whole thing. No halfway for me!

Think about something you've always wanted to do. If you run, sign up for a 10K. That might work into a half-marathon, then the full thing. Take dance lessons. Buy a bike.

Find a challenge and get inspired!

Your body will thank you - well, not right away maybe, but eventually.

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