Friday, September 4, 2009

I'll Take That To Go

Eating while traveling has to be my biggest challenge. I'm out of my routine. I don't perceive that I have as much control over my choices.

This vacation week has been a rough one. We've eaten dinner at 9:30 and 10 at night (normally doesn't happen past 6 PM) and I think I've eaten more french fries this week than in the last 6 months collectively.

On the plus side, I walked an awful lot. Especially the last two days. During tennis we sat for hours and hours at a time, but climbed a lot of stairs. Yesterday and today we walked miles and miles. Hopefully there will be some offset there.

I'm not looking forward to stepping on the scales this weekend and seeing the damage. But here's the thing. I can't beat myself up. If losing weight or maintaining a lifestyle seems to be a chore then it is work and work isn't fun. The occasional indulgence is needed and necessary.

I just can't make a habit of it.

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