Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Sorry, it has been a while. My June 30th deadlines are quickly approaching and I haven't had a spare minute lately!

I will finish my 30 day challenge tomorrow. I haven't lost any weight or broken through my slump - yet - but I can tell that my body is more toned. I should have taken measurements before I started but didn't think about it.

I did a little shopping lately and actually bought sizes that I honestly never thought I'd wear again. And was perfectly happy in that knowledge. I was able to wear some 4s and 6/6 petites this week. That's a long way from pushing out of a 12.

I try not to get caught up in the numbers. The day I was shopping I was also wearing pants that were a size 10 and the tank top was a large so sizes don't mean much and I don't get put much stock in the labels. BUT - it is pretty cool and it gives you a bit of a mental lift to actually see those sizes go down.

And I've always said that losing weight and getting healthy is actually mostly mental.

Hope everyone is having a great day and working towards those goals! I'd love to hear about your progress.

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