Monday, May 18, 2009

A Year in Review

Today was number 363 on the Wii. (I have to tell you, if you have one, be sure to jump on it on your birthday. The animated balance board wears a party hat and confetti falls all over. Very cute. Very festive.)

Anyway, I stopped to think about how far I've come in the last year - aside from the 20 pounds I lost. Almost exactly 20 pounds. Now, for those who follow regularly you'll note that I had actually gotten down to 53 pounds lost but I rebounded a little. The important part about that is to remind you that it happens. It happens to everyone. You will hit plateaus, brick walls and completely go in the wrong direction for a while. Don't worry. Stick with your plan. Understand that it is a part of the process. Don't let it get you down and derail you.

So, what else have I gained besides those 3 pounds? I have a high score of 635 in the soccer ball heading and I can routinely complete the advanced table tilt game. That means my balance has greatly improved. In fact, the Wii no longer asks me if I trip when I walk. That was a big bonus. I can do most of the yoga poses - without falling over. I can fairly easily jog for 30 minutes. Something I wouldn't have considered a year ago. I can do the advanced levels on most of the balance games, but sitting still in the Zen game for 3 minutes still presents a challenge.

I can also play real tennis for about an hour or ninety minutes. And actually play tennis. Not just try to hit a ball against the wall. Not going to join a league any time soon, but I'm so far ahead of where I was this time last year.

Anyway, I see progress. I see a year well spent. I see a person in the mirror that is happy with herself. I also see taking on new challenges. Continuing to push myself just a little more. I see someone who is fit and healthy.

I see me.

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