Monday, April 20, 2009

Where ya' been?

Hi! This is Deanne's cousin Darla. She graciously offered once for me to post a blog on her Losing It site. And to be honest, I wasn't really sure what I'd say if I did.

But I do have a tip and Deanne is always the one with the great tips. I'm just so excited that I finally have a tip (that I'm sure she has known about forever but it's new to me), so here goes.

First thing is that I went back to the gym today. I say back because it's been awhile. The weather here in Houston has been as near perfect as it gets and so when I ran, I hit the bike trail by our house. (And to be totally honest, I only ran twice, so don't be impressed or anything.)

Today...even though it is gorgeous outside....I headed indoors. The treadmill pushes me harder than I do myself so it's good for me to go run there. When I arrived I got the dreaded...."Hey! We haven't seen you for awhile." I was both happy on the one hand that they knew who I was and embarrassed on the other that they knew I hadn't been there.

And of course I felt obligated to tell them where I'd been and so I mentioned the whole "running outside because it's such beautiful weather" thing.

And then I got my tip. You see, the fitness trainer/employee told me that running is great and important and fact, he said cardio is the most important. But...and here is the tip...he said when you run you only burn extra calories for two or three hours after you finish your run. But he said that when you combine it with strength/resistance training you will continue to burn additional calories for as long as you are sore.

And that's good news for me. Because I decided to do some resistance bands to work on my arm strength. And I'm planning on being very, very sore the calories will keep burning for several days! At least that's my plan.

And then...hopefully the next time I post...I can tell you about my own weight loss success story.

Three cheers for being sore!!!


Deanne said...

Thanks for filling us in! Burn, baby burn!

Does being sore from falling count? If so, I'm good for a few days.

Unknown said...

OK, your comment made me laugh out loud. Except that I'm sorry you fell. But I hope it burns some calories for ya!

Anonymous said...

Darla (this is Andrea)
This is great advice to add strength training. It will help you burn more calories long after the workout is over!! What I wanted to add sort of goes with todays doesnt have to take a long time!!! 15-20 min, 2x a week is great! You can even do compound exercises like squat and then shoulder press and you are working 2 areas at once. MOST of this can be done while watching television at night and no gym time required!!!

Deanne said...

YEA! We got Andrea to post!!

Unknown said...

What's a shoulder press? I'm about as coordinated as Deanne claims to be so I'm not quite sure I can do this combined with a squat WHILE watching TV, but I'll sure try!! :)

Anonymous said...

I honestly dont know what to do with you two!!!! You make me laugh at loud everytime I read something!! I guess I got the coordination gene for the family or something!!!
Anyway, a shoulder press is just putting a weight in each hand and pressing up and down from your shoulder to in the air. Adding the squat would be to put feet shoulder width apart and hold the weights by your side as you go down with your weight distributed on your heels. I know, lets just do one thing at a time for now!!!

Deanne said...

I stick with my original answer - ain't even gonna try it...