Wednesday, April 8, 2009


OK, it may be a little early for this post but I'm excited. According to the Wii, I am 1.3 pounds away from my original goal. 53 pounds, set over 2 years ago. I know I could rebound a little and it may take me a little longer to get there but it IS in sight.

As much faith as I have in myself, I have to admit that having only lost 5 pounds since January I was beginning to think I was done. And I was fine with that. Losing 48 or 49 pounds is beyond wonderful and so what if that was all. I haven't seen numbers like that on the scale since probably college or right around the time I got married.

But I got a little kick last week when I first tipped over that 50 pound mark. I sent my sister a text. But I didn't want to say too much because, like I said, I know my history and my patterns. My body will bounce up and down with the same 3 pounds for a while and then drop 3 or 4 and then go through the same thing with that group of 3 or 4 pounds. I may hover at 52 pounds for a month before I drop that last one.

But I'll get there. I can see it. And with a lot of added stresses in my life right now I haven't been working at it very hard but I know that it is a result of the lifestyle changes that I've made over the last 2 years. I no longer have to think about things because they are automatic now. I've surrounded myself with good food choices and I think before I eat and when I need to let things go I do so without guilt. (That was yesterday coming back from LSU. A Wendy's premium fish combo - mmmmmm. Probably a day's worth of calories but it was good! Sometimes you gotta have a day like that.)

So, this is not out here to brag but I hope to inspire. I was 40 years old when I started this so I don't believe in using age as an excuse. I was a diagnosed diabetic and more than 50 pounds overweight which put me in the obese category. And I'm the world's pickiest eater.

I had a lot of things working against me. But I did it. No tricks, no shortcuts, no pills, no easy way out. Lots of hard work, support, dedication and a true desire to make a change.

Everyone out there can reach their goals. You've just got to set them. Work towards them, and, as I've said before: NEVER GIVE UP!!

Now, go have a great day!


Unknown said...

Thanks. I needed that. I hit my 2 pound goal today. I 'm doing 2 pounds every two weeks, but trying to meet my goal early.

Maybe we should co-author a book together. "The cousin who inspired her cousin to lose weight." Or something like that. :)

Deanne said...

Hey, I'm all about the writing! I prefer words to numbers any day!!

And YEA!!! on meeting your weekly goal!! Baby steps - but they are always steps forward.

Anonymous said...

This is awesome!!! So proud of you for doing all of this and once again, you are is because of a lifestyle change!! Isnt it wonderful to know that fish sandwiches can still be in your future every now and then?????
Keep it up!