Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Success Stories
There's a reason why people like hearing and reading success stories. These feel-good tales are constant proof that others have had similar struggles - and, most important, that they've gotten through them!
Especially moving are stories that begin with someone who's made unhealthy choices that lead to such life-threatening diseases as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, or cancer. And when that person is a friend or relative, the message is all the more powerful. Fortunately, what these accounts teach us is that by eating right and exercising regularly you do have the power to turn your life around - and prevent these ailments from happening in the first place!
So on those days when you're lacking willpower, think of those success stories. That formerly obese 40-year-old mother of three who now looks and feels like she's 30, that 60-year-old woman who runs marathons, that 55-year-old man who was able to reverse his type 2 diabetes by adjusting his diet and hitting the gym. They all made it to the other side, often emerging stronger - physically, mentally, and emotionally. That can and will be you!
In 2010 let's hear some of YOUR success stories. Small successes or really big news, let's share them all!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Good Things - 12/28/09
OK, if you are like me, forgiveness is a big deal right now. I love the holidays and all the baked goods. Love to be in my kitchen making new things and feeding others. I also love college football and Bowl Day has turned into weeks but you can't watch the bowl games without snacks.
Lots and lots of snacks.
So, I am cutting myself a little slack. Only a little, let's not get crazy here, and enjoying the time left before I have to totally and completely get back on the wagon.
Life is for enjoying and I get so little time with some of my family and friends back home that I wasn't going to not do something or try something simply because it didn't fit in that day's calorie count.
So, I forgive myself for the extra cookies, and the Punk Pink Cosmo at TGIFriday's, and the birthday cake for my mom, and so forth. January is just around the corner and a new month is always a good time to start, or restart, new habits.
Now, go have a wonderful day!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Good Things - 12/21/09
Love yourself.
Remember, if you don't love yourself then it will be almost impossible for others to really love you. I say that because when we don't love, or even really like, ourselves then we put up subtle and subconscious barriers to others. We close ourselves off and don't let in the people that we need the most.
I had someone tell me once, after I'd lost all the weight, "you are so beautiful now!". I know the intent was to pay me a compliment but I looked this person in the eye and said "I was beautiful before also."
And I meant it. Not in a completely physical way. I would never dream to call myself "beautiful" in that kind of way. But I never really considered my physical appearance to be a hindrance to anything I wanted to do.
I believe myself to be basically a good person. I try to be kind and helpful and considerate and all other manner of positive attributes. I like to think that spilled over into a positive mental attitude that wasn't concerned with the size on the label in my clothes.
I loved myself. I loved myself at my heaviest, and I still do. I loved myself enough to make the changes I needed to help improve the odds that I get to enjoy this life for a long, long time. I know that none of know how long we'll be here on this Earth but you can certainly do things to help make your journey as long as possible.
So, love yourself. It is one of the most important steps you can take.
Now, go have a great day!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Too Good Not to Share
Success isn't determined by pounds, pant sizes, or inches. It is determined by your ability to make positive lifelong changes every day.
- Denise (from Denise Austin's newsletter 12/17/09)
Now, go have a wonderful day!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Good Things - 12/14/09
Freedom to try the egg nog or just one more appetizer.
Freedom to not worry, for just a little while, about one extra cookie.
Freedom to enjoy the holidays, secure in the knowledge that you'll be back on track in a a couple of weeks.
But not to run hog wild and pig crazy, as my daddy used to say. Everything in moderation. You can enjoy your holidays and still maintain that healthier lifestyle you've been working so hard on.
Now, go have a great day.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Good Things - 12/6/09
In the spirit of Christmas I thought for the next few weeks I'd try to focus on what we can give to others rather than just what we can do for ourselves.
Words of encouragement sounds like an easy, no-brainer kind of thing but it can sometimes be more difficult that we think.
I'm not really talking about compliments here; I'm talking real, honest-to-goodness encouragement. Helping each other when we're down. Boosting each other over the humps that we will inevitably hit.
Still sounds easy, doesn't it?
Here is what I sometimes find. Even though women all talk about sisterhood, we can be each other's worst enemy. Sometimes we start to view someone else's success as a reflection of our own failure. We go from "Boy you look beautiful" to telling someone else "I can't believe she wore that dress!" We compare ourselves in negative ways so therefore we start to not truly encourage but to secretly hope for failure.
We don't tell someone that they shouldn't eat that cake because we don't want them to lose more weight than us. We don't offer to go on a walk with them and help them with their exercise because they might look better at the Christmas party next week.
That kind of makes us ugly on the inside, doesn't it?
We should, instead, help each other. Confident in knowing that we will be the recipient of that same help when we need it.
Wars are not won by individual soldiers. Football games are not won just by the quarterback.
This is a team effort I'm talking about. Everyone reading this does, or at least should, have someone that is supporting them. You know you've got me at a minimum. Likewise, I know I have all of you.
So let's remember to help not only each other, but everyone that we come in contact with. We don't always know what someone may be struggling with, but if we can somehow lend support, then we should do it.
So, my words of encouragement to each of you are these: Love yourself. You look marvelous no matter where you are in your quest for your goals. Don't give up hope when it seems impossible. Be fair and honest with yourself.
And above all, enjoy the ride. Life is a journey, after all.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Eat Right!
Looking for a way to get even more bang for your nutritional buck? Try these "superfoods"! They're loaded with essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to help you feel great, and they even help fight disease! Incorporate them into your diet today!
Almonds: A source of "good" fat, almonds can help your heart by lowering bad cholesterol!
Berries: They're jammed with vitamins - particularly vitamin C - but new research has found these sweet little sensations to be ace disease fighters too, helping to prevent bladder infections and even cancers, among other illnesses.
Broccoli: Folate, vitamin C, calcium - broccoli is packed with all these awesome nutrients. Now researchers think it might also fight cancer!
Avocado: The large number of calories in a serving of avocado is totally worth it! This source of healthy fat contains a ton of vitamin K and potassium and is also associated with lower cholesterol and even the prevention of breast cancer!
Salmon: Low in calories, easy to prepare, and amazingly good for you - what's not to love about salmon? And the omega-3 fatty acids in salmon are great for your heart!
Olive oil: Another good fat! Besides making your food incredibly tasty, olive oil can also protect you from heart disease.
Green tea: So much research has touted the benefits of green tea, it's hard to know where to begin! But here's a sample: A Japanese study in 2006 showed that green tea lowered the risk of death from all causes. How's that for a superfood?
I know we've talked about a lot of these before, but a little reminder never hurts...
Now, go have a great day!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
I Went, I Saw, I Ate
Pizza, Pasta
Fortunately, I also walked.
A lot.
Miles. Easy to do when you keep getting lost.
Here's the really cool part (not that all of the above were not really cool) - I came home from Italy having lost 2/10th of a pound.
I say that not to brag. I think the real victory was not in losing but was just not gaining. (I've managed to do that since I got home and am no longer walking miles and miles every day).
My point is this, and I've said it before, don't let your quest for a healthy lifestyle ruin any fun. Yes, I paid attention to what I ate. I ate gelato once. We split the tiramisu and the cannolli. But I didn't miss out on a truly wonderful experience with food because I was watching my weight.
You still have to experience life, just do it smartly.
I've always said your brain IS the most important tool you have in this battle so use it.
Just for grins, here are the pictures of our Thanksgiving lunch. While all of you were eating healthy turkey and vegetables this was ours:
Spaghetti and Grilled Sausages over French Fries. I didn't have a vegetable for over a week. Couldn't find green beans on the menu....
Monday, November 30, 2009
Good Things - 11/30/09
Today's tip - the entire Special K family of products.
Kellogg's has gone above and beyond in the quest for fitness. They have developed so many different things, besides their cereals, to help in this battle of the bulge.
I have tried the cereal (4 of the 8 flavors), the cereal bars (4 of the 7 flavors), Bliss bars (tried both), waffles (have had both)and the snack crackers (both flavors). They also have protein drinks, protein bars, protein meal and protein water mixes.
I have, so far, missed the protein line.
I like that the snack foods are packaged in 100 calorie or less sizes.
I like that they are portable - couple of them made the trip last week and I keep some in my desk.
I like that there is enough variety that I don't get bored.
I like that some of them taste like I'm splurging but I'm really not.
They also have a nice website to help you design a plan, tips and tools, recipes, and so forth.
I think they are committed to better health, and that is what we're all about.
So, raise your spoon to Kellogg's and Special K!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Good Things - 11/23/09
I hope I don't lose a lot of you with this one, as I know that some of my readers don't drink for a variety of reasons, but, as I always say, I'm saying what has helped me. I'm not stating that my way is the only way or even the best way.
When I say red wine I'm talking about one, four ounce glass with my evening meal. Not a lot. Nothing to excess. I'm not overindulging or doing anything stupid.
There is scientific evidence that red wine is good for your heart, lowers cholesterol, and, more recently, may even help in the fight against diabetes.
Here is what I know. For diabetics the high end of cholesterol is 180. Mine went from 187 to about 132 in one year after adding red wine to my daily diet. I had gotten it down from over 200 to the 187 mark with some other food changes, but the red wine was the only change in the second year.
My A1C test, a test of the last 90 days readings of blood sugar, was 4. That is comparable to a non-diabetic. The normal range is anything below 7.
So, it is only a suggestion. Just noting some things I've done to help myself take care of this one body I have. You can take it or leave it, as is the case with everything I put here. If you disagree that is fine, I can respect that.
But, I am currently in the heart of wine country and a lot of experts say the Mediterrean diet overall is a good one. I'm willing to keep sampling and see. :)
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
But the medication was only an assist. The exercise she gets - swimming, walking and Wii-ing - are the real champions here.
So, let's all give her a high 5 and hip hip hooray!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Good Things - 11/16/09
Now that the weather is getting cooler, I enjoy a cup of hot green tea. I will confess that despite all the positive properties about green tea, I don't like it cold and I will only drink the hot if it is flavored. But when I start drinking it in the fall and winter, I usually end up drinking at least two huge mugs a day.
Green tea, according to sources, can help with preventing heart disease and certain types of cancers. Although it has not been scientifically proven - yet - I do fall into the camp that also believes that green tea helps with weight management. I have found over the last 3 years that I shed weight easier in the cooler months. This goes a little against conventional wisdom in that we tend to be less active when it's colder and it seems that, like the animals, we tend to add "insulation" in the winter months to protect us from the cold.
There are other reasons that I like hot tea for a healthy lifestyle. First of all, typically when you make a cup of tea you are having to stop what you are doing. You have to heat the water, wait for the tea to steep. I know you can get a cup of tea at Starbucks, but it still doesn't seem quite the same kind of "on-the-go" drink as a cup of coffee. And when you drink it, at least in my case, I'm actually just sipping on it so I'm slowing down. And slowing down can help reduce our stress levels.
And it has been proven that added stress equals added pounds. Certain hormones get released when we get stressed and we add fat.
There are some varieties of tea that help you sleep. A good night's sleep is also an important part of a healthy lifestyle, and a rested person is usually just better all the way around. And I would think that a natural sleep aid would be overall preferable to taking a pill. Call me crazy.
So, put the kettle on, grab a bag and a mug and enjoy a cup, or two, of good hot tea. I think you'll thank yourself later.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
A Little Out of Character
I attended a Chamber of Commerce function. Standard stuff. Lots of people milling around, shaking hands and so on. And I went to speak to an acquaintance from one of our local hospitals. The hospital that helped sponsor the HealthQuest that started me on the right path. She'd been involved from the sponsor side so she'd seen the changes over the last couple of years. I was also in a play with one of her daughters so she'd seen me before HealthQuest as well.
She looked at me, paid me a compliment and then invited me to be a part of a wellness program that the hospital and the local nursing program were putting together (I'm also friends with the head of the nursing program). She said she wanted me to be in it because I was her inspiration.
That is cool. I guess its one thing for your family and close friends to call you that, but when someone really outside of your "circle" notices your changes and you leave that kind of impression - well, it just felt a little different.
Those of you that have read this for a while know that I really never wanted to draw attention to myself. I deluded myself into thinking that I could lose almost a third of my body weight and no one would notice.
But I've always said that if I can help someone, then that is what I need to do. That is why we blog. (Emphasis on "we") To help each other, to be supportive, to inspire, if possible.
So, it looks like there may be a new program on my horizon. I'm sort of excited about the possibility since there is no telling what all I'll learn that I can share with you. I hope a lot!
And I'll I have all of you to keep ME on the straight and narrow.
My reminder to all of you - even when you feel down, feel like giving up, don't see the point to all of this, someone might be watching. YOU are inspiring someone with your lifestyle changes, even if you don't know it yet.
So keep it up. Plug through the hard days, work through the plateaus. There is a reason. Like a lot of things, that reason may be revealed in its own time.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Score of 655!
It was a perfect start to a Monday.
And just so you know, I played the soccer heading game 303 times before today. Every morning it is the first thing I do. Helps me get loosened up and makes sure everything is in working order.
So practice plus perseverance equals perfection!
Wonder which one I can capture next.....
Good Things - 11/9/09
If you haven't checked them out lately, you should. This is not the same old boring flake cereal of yesteryear.
Everyone (at least those "in the know") will agree that getting your nutrition from your food is preferable to getting it all from supplements and vitamin pills.
Total makes it easy, and tasty!
In addition to the original whole grain cereal they now have Blueberry Pomegranate, Cinnamon Crunch, Raisin Bran, Cranberry Crunch and Honey Clusters. You can eat cereal 6 days a week and not eat the same one twice.
Great flavor and 100% of a ton of vitamins and minerals, at less than 200 calories a serving.
And did I mention the whole grains?
A great start to your day, a light supper, or a healthy snack. You choose.
I can testify to having tried, and enjoyed, all the flavors. There are currently two in my pantry as we speak.
So, take your vitamins if you must (and I must) but remember to boost that with natural sources wherever possible. I know a lot of you that read this are very "good" eaters, but there are also a bunch like me that do not fall into the "good" category. (We're just eaters.) So, anything that I can eat and that scoots me over closer to the positive side is what I'm looking for.
So, go grab a bowl, and, as they used to say at the service stations, "Fill 'Er Up!"
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Get Inspired!
I'm not going to extol the virtures of the Wii Fit Plus since I know you all are tired of hearing about it.
But I will tell you what having new challenges is doing for me. That is the important part.
If you've read lately you know that I was getting a little down about not making any progress lately, and trying to be "OK" with where I was. I talked about how maintaining my weight loss was harder than actually losing it to start with.
BUT - since I have something that is challenging me again, things are changing. Those little niggling pounds that weren't coming off, as well as those "prodigal pounds" (the ones that went away and then came back!) have gone away. I've almost gotten back to my original goal of 53 pounds - which I touched earlier this year before the rebound.
As of this morning, I was about a pound away.
But, most importantly, I'm having fun again. I'm excited about working out. Billy and I got to play tennis again a few weeks ago for the first time since I hurt my foot in June. When I was out of town on business I worked out twice a day and logged anywhere from 90 to 110 minutes a day. And I still didn't want to stop. I'm having a ball right now!
So, find your challenge. I still have ballet lessons on my To Do list but because of work trips and pleasure trips and holidays I wasn't going to be able to do the whole 6 week class and I want to do the whole thing. No halfway for me!
Think about something you've always wanted to do. If you run, sign up for a 10K. That might work into a half-marathon, then the full thing. Take dance lessons. Buy a bike.
Find a challenge and get inspired!
Your body will thank you - well, not right away maybe, but eventually.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Good Things - 11/2/09
Betcha didn't see that one coming!
Hey, I like sweet stuff just as much as anyone, I just need to be a little more careful.
There are so many times when you just want that one little bite of something sweet after a meal. Just a taste.
I find these 100 calorie packs to be just the thing.
And I am singling them out from other 100 calorie snack packs. I like the Hostess because there are 3 single bite snack cakes.
It makes it much easier when all you truly want is just that one bite. I don't have to try and ration out a bag of lots of little pieces, or feel like I need to eat more than I want to.
Yes, it is hard but sometimes I really eat the pack one cake at a time, all spread out during the day.
Call me crazy!
So, the upsides: instant portion control, sweet enough to be satisfying, many different flavors to choose from.
The downsides: it is really, really hard not to eat all three at once.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Good Things - 10/26/09
Studies indicate that most adults need between 20 and 25 grams of fiber each day.
Trust me, that can be harder to achieve than it sounds. Especially if you don't just want to each a fiber bar two or three times a day.
Each packet of Splenda with fiber contains one gram of fiber.
It just got a little easier to work towards your goal, depending of course on your use of sweetener.
I use 4 packets each morning in my big coffee mugs.
I get 20% of my daily recommendation without really even trying.
Which is good since the other 80% can be a challenge.
Now, the downside: some people have experienced a little gastrointestinal upset if you try to get all 20 grams just from the Splenda right off the bat. Might want to ease into it.
Achieving a healthy lifestyle isn't always easy. This is one just little tip to make the journey a little simpler.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Got Whipped!
I got my tail whipped last night on the cycling game with the Wii Fit Plus. I kid you not - I had to take a shower when I was finally finished.
You step up and down on the balance board like you are pedaling a bike and ride around collecting flags.
I couldn't find some of the flags.
I pedaled and pedaled and pedaled.
The game kept asking me if I wanted to quit.
I just kept pushing and pushing.
I did two new levels and it gave me some step to miles equivalent -
almost 25 miles between the two.
I was exhausted, dripping with sweat.
Beat to a nub as we say at my house.
But I sure had a lot of fun doing it!
Can't wait to go again tonight!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Good Things - 10/19/09
That is my plug for this week.
You get a full serving of fruits and vegetables in an eight ounce glass.
Here is why I love it. I'm not a huge vegetable eater. You can only eat so many green beans. And I get physically ill at the mere smell of tomato juice - including and especially v8 Juice.
I can't stand that smell.
I don't know what it is exactly. I don't have the same reaction to tomato sauce, just the juice.
But the V8 Fusion tastes like fruit juice. It is delicious! And good for me. So I am enjoying doing something good for me.
The positives: there are probably 7 or 8 different flavor combinations and I like most all of them; one 8 ounce glass equals one serving each of fruits and vegetables; and each glass has between 100 and 120 calories. There is also a light version that has half the calories.
The downside: one glass has 20 to 25 grams of sugar - but it isn't added sugar it is natural sugars which your body processes differently. But that still isn't a great number. So, I usually save the juice for the weekend when I'm probably going to get more exercise to offset it and I'm probably not going to eat as well so getting at least some fruit and vegetable nutrition is a bonus.
It's a good thing.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
I'm SO Excited!
I admit it.
I'm not even ashamed of it.
I got the new Wii Fit Plus today and it is so much fun!
This basically takes the Wii Fit and adds to. All I had to do was put the disk in and all my information transferred over. Took less than a minute.
You also get to add pets and babies. There is now a Mii for Frankie and I know that she weighs roughly 68 pounds. Since I have to pick the dogs up to register them I can promise you that at least 3 won't make the game. Too big, not an option.
The Plus also counts calories for you, has 15 new activities - mostly for coordination and balance - and a few new yoga and strength exercises. It also has the added benefit of preset and customized workouts. I only briefly I investigated those tonight.
So I'm motivated again. I like new toys! And I believe that once I get really back into a good rhythm again (this rainy, blah weather lately has truly dampened my desire to workout) I'll see some positive changes.
Next week I'll be on the road so we'll see how I do. The hotel has a fitness center and I'll have no family duties so there really won't be much of an excuse to not work out at least once, if not twice, every day.
I'm looking forward to the weekend and seeing what all I can do and then hitting it good next week. I'd like to get my good habits in full swing before the holidays.
And yes, the holidays are not that far away.
No time to waste!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Good Things - 10/12/09
I am the World's Pickiest Eater. It isn't a title I'm proud of, but hey, someone has to bear it.
So, when I find foods that I like I want to share them. Thus, I'm starting a new segment - Good Things. I hope to post this once a week. (And feel free to send your ideas as well. Remember, this blog is supposed to be a group effort.)
For the inaugural:
Yoplait Delights.
This is some of the best lowfat yogurt that will ever hit your tongue! It is thick and rich and tastes/feels more like a pudding dessert than a yogurt.
It comes in four flavors - Lemon Torte, Chocolate Raspberry, Creme' Caramel and Triple Berry Creme'. I have tried all but the last one. Billy hasn't been able to locate it for me yet. He even ate the Lemon Torte while at his mom's house last week and loved it.
So, the positives: tastes great, lowfat, only 100 calories, and still packs 15% of the recommended allowance for calcium.
The downside: it does have about 12 grams of sugar.
It makes a nice midmorning or midafternoon snack if you aren't into a sweet breakfast.
Try it, you'll like it (also borrowed but I can't remember from whom right now)!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Man those things are good!
Everything in moderation.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
1 1/2 cups whole-grain pastry flour
1/2 cup unbleached all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon dry mustard
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
3 tablespoons cold unsalted butter, cut into bits
4 turkey breakfast sausage links, crumbled and browned
3/4 cup shredded reduced-fat sharp Cheddar cheese
3/4 cup reduced-fat buttermilk
1 large egg white, lightly beaten with 1 teaspoon water
Preheat the oven to 400°F. Coat a baking sheet with cooking spray.
In a medium bowl, whisk together the pastry flour, all-purpose flour, baking powder, salt, baking soda, mustard, and pepper. Add the butter and blend with a pastry cutter or two knives until the dough is crumbly. Add the sausage and cheese; toss to combine. Add the buttermilk and stir until the dough comes together.
Turn out the dough onto a lightly floured surface. Gently knead for about 30 seconds. Pat the dough into a circle, approximately 8 inches across and 1 inch thick.
Transfer the dough to the prepared baking sheet and brush with the egg white mixture. Cut into 10 equal wedges. Pull the wedges apart to separate slightly. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, or until the scones are lightly browned. Cool slightly and serve, or cool completely, wrap individually in air-tight covering, and freeze for future use.
Makes 10 scones
Per scone: 156 calories, 16 g carbohydrates, 7 g protein, 7 g total fat, 22 mg cholesterol, 2 g dietary fiber, 388 mg sodium
Monday, October 5, 2009
If You Bite It, Write It!
Write down everything you eat. Every bite, every lick. Everything.
I didn't start keeping a food log to make it into a food diary. I didn't want information about WHY I was eating as much as WHAT I was eating. Maybe it is just my nature but I wanted to see evidence that I could analyze.
I needed to see what I was really eating in a day. What food choices were costing me the most calories? Where could I make some positive changes?
I think keeping the log does more, though, than just give information. It keeps you conscious, engaged in the process. You start to really think about everything you consume. The hard part is all the little stuff. Maybe you lick the beaters when making a cake for your family. Or take little bites of cookie dough. Or grab a Hershey's kiss.
It isn't that these things are bad in and of themselves, but they do have calories and they do add up.
And they are sometimes hard to quantify.
For me, after a while of tracking everything I found that I would really stop to think - if I eat that I'll have to drag out my log and write it down, do I want it that bad? Answer became No a lot of times. Whatever that food was just simply lost its appeal at that point.
Helps those small calories go away.
It also started to show me where I was making smart choices. I wouldn't get upset if I was over on my calorie goal if it was due to a good thing - an extra serving of a high fiber cereal, or a glass of V8 Fusion, something that was positive for my health.
Unfortunately, it was also the second thing I stopped doing and probably need to start back up. The first thing was actually measuring servings. You get to where you think you are eyeballing it pretty well. Truth be told your "eyeball" starts to get a little bigger each time and pretty soon you're eating more than you intend.
Both of these slights on my part are easily remedied and will be resumed.
As I've said before, maintenance is tougher than losing. But the lessons learned are the same and it just has to be habits - like everything we do in life.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Thought for Today
Your great choices today are your rewards tomorrow. Plan ahead!
- Denise
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Status Check
Only nothing happened.
Now, I've been gone for 4 days and I knew it was working before I left. I hit every button, pulled the plug and replugged, you name it.
Then I asked Billy to look at it for me. In reality I thought he'd confess that he did something accidentally to it while I was gone - hit it with the vacuum or something - but he didn't. He even started working on it while I was at work. When I came home for lunch I tried the one last thing. I moved it to another plug.
Worked like a charm.
We didn't think of this before because the Wii, surround sound, television, satellite, and everything else is plugged into the same multi-outlet unit so it didn't seem reasonable that everything would work except that one thing.
But that was it. Apparently the middle two of the six outlets had gone bad.
So, with the crisis adverted, I went on about my afternoon and exercised tonight.
All of that to say nothing really.
The main point of all this was to check on my progress. I noted one day last week that I was on Day 490 of using the Wii. There were gaps, of course, but I'd had started using it 490 days ago.
On that day, I had logged 100 hours on the Wii itself and 223 and half hours of total activity. That averaged out to 27 minutes a day.
I think that's pretty cool. The guidelines are 30 minutes a day, about 3 days a week.
So, I'm on target.
When you think about all the days that I didn't get to exercise in the last 16ish months, I'm really rather proud of myself. It says to me that I am making the most of the opportunities when they present themselves.
All I have to do now is keep it up. Ramp it up a little. I know that I tend to slack off some in the heat of summer so today's cooler temperatures were very welcome. I even walked to a meeting today and started planning how many days next week I could walk to work and home again.
I'm still looking for something else to add to the mix. Apparently I need to stretch or something more before I jog because the last few times I've done it have resulted in a painful hip for a few days following.
I am still looking into the ballet but I want to wait until I can reasonably do all 6 weeks. I don't want to get started if I can't give it 100% attendance and effort.
Anyway. Things are looking good.
I'll keep you posted.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Thought for Today
"The road to success has many tempting parking places and rest stops. Just keep going!"
- Denise
Saturday, September 19, 2009
How Time Flies
This has been a rough week in the Tanksley household. There was hip and back pain (mine) and a seizure week for Riley. I posted on my other blog under the influence of pain pills on Monday and just hoped for the best. On Wednesday night Riley was back home but was awake and pacing all night long. And I mean that literally. We were so exhausted by Thursday night that I went to bed at 8:30. All of the sudden it is Saturday.
With everything else going on I haven't monitored myself too well this week. That is not necessarily a bad thing since it indicates, at least to me, that I still have my priorities straight.
Family first.
But, I am trying to set a new goal. I think I need one. As I have said before, losing the weight was easy compared to maintaining it. My original goal was 53 pounds. I did hit that, once, and have continued to hover between 48 and 51. But just trying to lose a couple of pounds, while yes it has proved to be challenging, isn't really the goal I need.
On the flip side, I am no longer convinced that I need to hit my "ideal" weight either. My ideal weight is 64 pounds from where I started. Another 14 pounds away.
I honestly think that would be too small. I don't know why I say that except I really think it would be. I look at myself in the mirror and like what I see. Wouldn't mind seeing a little less but I am nothing if not reasonable.
I also know this would entail ramping up the exercise since I can see no way that I can eat less and still be relatively healthy. Your body does have certain needs that have to be met.
So, my first goal will be to determine my next goal. Then I can decide how to work towards it.
Any and all suggestions would be appreciated.
Stay tuned!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
No Permanent Damage
I did gain 2 pounds in the 9 days. Not bad. Especially considering all the factors working against me last week.
As of this morning I had lost 2.9 so I'm actually better off than when I left.
So, here is what I've learned: I can go enjoy myself. I was totally conscious of the choices I was making but I didn't obsess on it the whole time. I was able to have fun and still fall back on the new habits I've developed. I've also learned that I can get back on the program when needed.
I can allow myself the leeway I need, when I need it, and still maintain my healthier lifestyle while out of my regular environment. It may not sound like much but that really is a big deal for me. I tend to be a Type A personality and a feeling of control is a major component. We don't like when things get outside of our comfort zone and we don't feel like we can control the situation. Well, now I know I can.
That is worth almost as much as losing the 2.9 pounds!
Friday, September 4, 2009
I'll Take That To Go
This vacation week has been a rough one. We've eaten dinner at 9:30 and 10 at night (normally doesn't happen past 6 PM) and I think I've eaten more french fries this week than in the last 6 months collectively.
On the plus side, I walked an awful lot. Especially the last two days. During tennis we sat for hours and hours at a time, but climbed a lot of stairs. Yesterday and today we walked miles and miles. Hopefully there will be some offset there.
I'm not looking forward to stepping on the scales this weekend and seeing the damage. But here's the thing. I can't beat myself up. If losing weight or maintaining a lifestyle seems to be a chore then it is work and work isn't fun. The occasional indulgence is needed and necessary.
I just can't make a habit of it.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Laugh If You Must
But I am a dreamer. And I'm thinking about following a dream.
I always wanted to take dance when I was younger. All my friends seem to do it but I never did. I told my sister years ago that I wanted to find a ballet class - for adults. I think when she stopped laughing she realized I was serious.
I have found one. I think I will start the second week of September, after we get back from vacation.
I spoke to the instructor several years ago when we were both working on "Chicago" at the Natchez Little Theatre. She was the choreographer and ran the sound; I was the lighting technician. So we had some time to chat up in the booth. I told her about my dream and she let me know that I was not alone and she was actually surprised by how many adults had contacted her about holding a class.
I found out, second-hand via Facebook, that she is holding one right now and I am welcome to join it.
So I'm thinking about it. I keep saying that you have to surprise your body every now and then and try new things, work different muscle groups, stretch your limits. Maybe a ballet barre will be just what I need - for now.
And I can say I did it.
That is one of my favorite phrases.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Living Life, Learning Lessons
When I was in the 6Th grade the President, Jimmy Carter I believe, started promoting a new fitness program for youth. Part of the program was a test at the end. You had to run a specified distance, throw a softball and hang from a chin bar (boys had to do pull ups).
I was fairly "sickly" (as the old folks would say) as a child. Sometimes going outside to play could very literally be a matter of life and death. I remember many times being rushed to the doctor after just a regular afternoon of being out.
So, the fitness test seemed to be pretty much out of the question for me.
Now, the rewards for all this "fitness" were patches. Not sure where you were supposed to put the patches but there was white for the third level, red for the second level and the Presidential medal for the top level. Your level was determined based on how fast you could run, how far you could throw and how long you could hang.
I really couldn't do any of the three.
And the prospects of achieving of these skills in a really short period of time were fairly nonexistent.
My 12 year old brain thought surely if my doctor explained to the teacher that I couldn't physically participate then I would be excused and there had to be patch for that.
Had to be.
That was 30 years ago. In today's society I probably would have been correct. Now everyone gets a reward just for participating. (Some of you may argue with me but you know deep down that I'm right.)
But my 12 year old brain didn't think it was fair to be "punished" for something that I couldn't do. It wasn't that I didn't want to or wasn't trying, I just couldn't.
To both my parents' credit, they agreed to let me "train". This had to be hard for them. I'm sure that every time Daddy and I went to the high school track for me to run 40 yards or we went out in the front yard to throw the softball they probably held their collective breaths. A parents' first instinct is to protect their child and those asthma attacks could sneak up almost without warning.
And inhalers for kids weren't invented yet.
Daddy and I worked for whatever time we had, maybe a month or so, and then the big day came.
And I did it.
I earned a white patch.
I doubt there were any extra seconds on the run or the hang and no extra inches on the softball throw, but I did meet the minimum requirements.
I had achieved what I didn't think I could.
This story occurred to me as I was jogging the other day.
Yes, I said it - jogging. She who couldn't run to the corner and back can almost run a mile and half now.
And I thought to myself, what if I'd been allowed to just get a patch for participating? What if Mom and Dad hadn't been willing to let me try? I'm sure one asthma attack would have put a stop that. What if I'd been willing to settle, to not push myself?
What are children learning today - those that don't get to keep score so no one loses, those who all get a reward no matter what they do or don't do? They may not ever learn to see what is on the other side, to see what all they are capable of, to know the real feeling of accomplishment.
And I think that's kind of sad. Everyone needs a goal. We need to be able to handle defeat and feel the pride of achievement. Because life is full of both. We all need to push ourselves a little and expand our boundaries and horizons. Not just always accept the situation on its face but work to do things better or differently. Challenge ourselves.
What is life without a challenge?
I hope I never find out.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Alphabet Soup
E Endorphins, which bring
X X-tra
E Energy for
R Reducing
C Calories and
I Increasing
S Self-
E Esteem
Robert Frost and Lord Byron I am not.
Have a great day!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow
That is what it looked like.
This time, it is by choice.
My closet has been the project of 2009. Its origin was the back porch of the house that was closed in. A single light bulb was added, shag carpet installed and paneling on the walls. Which is to say that it has not been updated, obviously, since the 70s.
So, demolition started in January. Billy likes to work on demolition projects during my busy season. Makes the time pass for him or something. The thought was that when I freed up I could help with the design and reconstruction. So I pulled all my clothes out of the closet and stacked them up around the guest bedroom (yes, my closet is in the guest bedroom. Houses built in 1893 did not come with closets) and there they have sat. This was an unusual year and my busy season didn't end in March but extended until July.
I have a lot of clothes. I'm a pack rat. I can give you the history behind just about every article of clothing and why I'm still holding on to it.
Until today.
My sister-in-law will need to sleep in that room when she comes to help out with the puppy-sitting when we go on vacation later this month (my mother-in-law sleeps in our room). There is MUCH to be done in the next two weeks.
So I bit the bullet. I took a long, hard look at the clothes.
Most of them are way too big now. Most of them are old - still in good condition, but dated.
Here is my second problem, and part of what leads into me being a pack rat. I hate to shop. Hate it. Have for most of my life.
Today I decided that the closet will be my incentive. I've worked very hard achieving a major accomplishment. I am going to have new, bright, clean closet and it is only fair that there are some new clothes in it. And if I get rid of all the stuff that doesn't fit, and isn't worth having altered to fit (like my work suits are), then I have incentive to keep the weight off.
Because if I have to shop I only want to do it once.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Simple Steps to Live Stress Free
I caught a little flak about my confession the other day. Emotional eating with a healthy snack like Cheerios rather than ice cream was viewed as not really being all that bad. Not much of a confession.
OK. The lesson there, I guess, is two-fold. One, try not to give into emotional eating at all. Use exercise or any one of the tips listed below to try and relieve the stress being caused by the situation. Two, keep relatively healthy snacks on hand so that if you do give in to the emotion and eat you can at least minimize the damage.
So, I was not proud of the act but I was proud that I have developed some better habits so that the snacks I have around are not just pure junk food.
Had a run-in with your boss or a fight with your sister - and can't stop thinking about it? Are you overloaded with projects at work and errands at home? Our lives are jam-packed with stress - and that can take a toll on our body and health. Long-term uncontrolled stress can cause chronic conditions like high blood pressure, headaches, and ulcers. Stress can also weaken your body's natural defenses so you're likely to get sick more often.
You don't have to live with stress! There are so many simple ways to cut stress and take back control of your life.
Say no!
If you don't have time for or can't realistically accomplish someone's request without straining yourself, do not agree to it. In most cases, people will understand that you need to put yourself first. If you can't say no to your boss, for example, try not to take on more than you know you can handle.
Set priorities.
We don't always have the luxury of saying no to daily tasks, so stay organized by making a list of everything you need to do. Prioritize your list so you can take care of the most vital items first.
Stay positive!
Stress is not inevitable; it's the way your body reacts to the situation you're in, so it's completely controllable. Keep yourself calm by maintaining a positive attitude. It helps to choose an inspiriting mantra that you can repeat to yourself or image that you can visualize.
Burn off your stress!
Go for a brisk walk or bike ride, or lift weights to let off some steam. Exercise causes the body to release endorphins - chemicals that help you feel better - which help reduce your stress level.
Practice deep breathing.
When we get stressed out, our breathing tends to speed up. So take a break and sit somewhere comfortable and quiet to focus on taking deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling slowly. Playing soft music can enhance the calming effect.
Treat yourself!
If you had an unusually stressful day or just finished a big, stressful project, go ahead and reward yourself! Not with food, of course, but with something that will help you relax. How about a pedicure or massage, a long bubble bath, or a great book you can curl up with?
Reach out to others.
We can't do it all alone, so don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it. A co-worker or supervisor may be able to shed light on a work problem, while your spouse or kids can pitch in to help with household stresses. Even if you must take care of some task or problem yourself, it still helps to talk it over with a friend.
There's no reason to be bogged down by stress for another day. There are seven stress-busting strategies here - put one of them to work every day in the coming week!
No, go out and enjoy the weekend!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I gave in to emotional eating today.
There. It's out there.
My boss/partner upset me this morning and it bothered me. So I reached for a snack. Emotional eating. On the plus side, it was a bag of Cheerios Snack Mix so it really wasn't all that unhealthy in and of itself, but still...
Normally I would take a walk around the block or do something like that to "shake it off" but I was fairly confined to my desk today working on some deadlines so it was easier to just open the drawer and grab a handful of snack mix.
Lesson One: don't keep the snack mix in the desk drawer.
Lesson Two: do what you know is right and don't look to food to solve the problem.
Lesson Three: shake it off and don't repeat the process tomorrow.
There. Feel better already.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
The Secret
That, my friends, in a nutshell, seems to be the secret that everyone is searching for.
Sounds simple enough.
Four small words.
Easy concept.
But, oh so tough sometimes.
I seem to have had a lot of people noticing lately the weight loss. People around town that I haven't seen in a while and so forth. So I have had to answer the question quite a bit lately "How did you do it?"
I think most of them are a little disappointed that I didn't join Weight Watchers (very big thing to do around here) or have any medical procedures. I think people really are looking for a quick fix and it just isn't out there. Taking control of your life and health is work and it has to be treated as such. It is your job and no one can do it for you.
Much as we'd like them sometimes.
You have to face every day and make choices - about what you'll eat, how much you'll eat, what kind of exercise will fit into your day and so forth.
It isn't easy. It isn't always pretty.
But anything worth doing is worth doing well.
So go for it.
And remember. Even at your real job you sometimes have a casual day or a work day or some kind of day out of the normal routine. You'll have these days in this also. Days where you don't make the healthiest choices. But, just like in real life, your same job is still waiting on you the next day and if you slip a little one day with this then you just get right back on the program the next day.
You can do it!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Before and After - Part 2
Class of 1984, 20th High School Reunion

Class of 1984, 25th High School Reunion
Proof positive that you can make any changes or do anything you want to. There was nothing wrong with the 2004 "me" in the picture but the 2009 "me" is very different. So all I'm saying is that you need to love yourself no matter what, but if you do want to make some changes let NOTHING stop you. Not age, not anything.
Now, go have a great day!
Friday, July 31, 2009
My Sister the Coach
If you don't already have your own Andrea, go get one. And no, you can't have mine. She's taken! I have waxed poetical about how wonderful she's been through this journey but it never hurts to say it again.
She sent me a very positive text message after my first day on the beach in Florida with a two-piece suit on (smart enough not to say it out loud, only where I could read it). And she didn't tell my mom how much I weighed despite my mom asking her repeatedly (because she knows the numbers are sensitive subjects with me). Then she responded to my rhetorical questions with a solution.
Resistance Training.
What was I doing for it, how often, and so forth. I had to confess that it had been over a month since I'd done anything other than my cardio workouts.
So we discussed squats, and girl push-up, and weights, and all the other stuff I should be doing to help my body be its best.
So Tuesday night after we talked I did 30 girl push-ups and 10 squats and told her that I had done 20 jackknifes after my jog on Monday night.
And this is what I got back: "That's my girl!"
Gotta love her!
Sometimes all you need to get over that hurdle is just a little push from behind.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Why is it that you can gain 2 pounds overnight (and you can, it has happened to me more than once lately) but it will take a week to lose that same two pounds? Isn't the phrase "easy come, easy go"?
Why do I have these thoughts?
I'm starting to think that losing the weight was the easy part and the maintenance is going to be tough. I would have thought it would be the other way around since I maintained my old weight for so long. (That one is a joke)
Everyone, have a wonderful day!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Denise Austin's Swimming Tip
Go Swimming Indoors!
Did you know you don't need a pool or ocean to go swimming? "Swimming" is one of my favorite Pilates exercise moves because it really works your core, arms, shoulders, legs, and chest — it's essentially a total-body workout! All you need is a mat or other comfortable, firm surface on which to "swim"!
To start, lie on your stomach with your arms extended over your head. Press through your fingertips and toes to create length in your spine. Then exhale and raise your right arm and left leg a few inches off the floor. Lower your right arm and left leg slightly and raise your left arm and right leg, keeping all four limbs off the ground. Then alternate your arms and legs as if you were swimming! It's easy, and it's really effective for toning your arms, legs, and backside.
Kind of sounds like fun! I might just give it a try later.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Back on Board
Time to get back with the program!
I actually made pretty good choices while I was gone. No fried food. Everything was grilled or broiled. Problem was I ate late and I didn't eat my four small meals and the plates were too big. It was breakfast after my walk and then hours until a light lunch and then a big dinner. Just before bedtime.
So, sunburn (fluid retention), a few extra adult beverages, and the items noted above added a few pounds to the frame to this past week. But not to despair. I got back on the wagon today. Light breakfast, light lunch, exercise, and a salad plate for dinner. Granted dinner was Italian with garlic bread, but still... I ate less than I did at Olive Garden last week.
Vacations are nice. Very much needed to keep your spirit in shape. But real life does come calling and we must answer the door.
So if you, like me, occasionally take a break from your program don't let it derail your overall progress. I just had to look at myself in the mirror this morning and go back to doing what I know works best for me.
And by the way, I did wear the two-piece suits on the beach. Figured who cared - I wasn't going to see those people again anyway and my family had already been warned. But no, there aren't any pictures. Some things don't actually need to be documented for posterity.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Blogging from the Beach
Hopefully I won't indulge too much this week. I finally broke through my slump and 5 of the last 7 days have been decreases on the scales. Finally happy with my numbers again.
Taking a vacation doesn't necessarily mean a vacation from doing what you know you should. Yes I may eat a little more but I'm also getting more exercise. I've walked the beach a couple of times and then up to the room and back and so forth. So I'm trying to do the right stuff.
And "stuffed" is how I feel after dinner at the Olive Garden!
Everything in moderation.
Friday, July 10, 2009
- Leigh Harrison
Birthed in Prayer: Pregnancy as a Spiritual Journey
From p. 53 of Birthed in Prayer by Kim Barker, Linda de Meillon, Leigh Harrison. Copyright © 2008 by the authors. Published by Upper Room Books.
This was my devotional lesson this morning, but I felt like it would really apply here as well. Change is what we're all doing. Changing our habits. Changing the foods we eat or the ways in which we prepare them. And letting go is hard. We get comfortable and comfortable is easy. But we have to let go of the things that aren't good for us and make those changes. And one of the keys, at least to me, is understanding our pasts to improve our futures. Nothing exists in isolation. I didn't just wake up one day overweight. I woke up one day, realized and accepted it and decided to do something about it, but the problem had been growing for quite some time.
Anyway, I liked the passage. Hope you do as well.
Now go have a great day!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Good news!
I did find it amusing that my 40ish and over friends all commented postively. I got more comments on that than a lot of others. My younger friends were all probably thinking "and?????".
They'll learn.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Recipes - continued
The recipe here is for four pepperoni pita pizzas, but you can double - heck, triple! - this very easily. To round this out for a full lunch - more than a snack, less than a supper - add a lettuce salad or some cut-up veggies and a low-fat dressing for a dip. The best part is that the kids can even afford to have seconds! (But not you!)
Pepperoni Pita Pizza
2 whole-wheat pitas (6" diameter)
1 cup pizza sauce
1 cup shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese
2 oz. sliced turkey pepperoni (about 32 rounds)
¼ cup chopped roasted red peppers
4 tsp. grated Parmesan cheese
1 tsp. extra virgin olive oil
Preheat the oven to 400°F.
Split the pitas in half to form circles.
Place the pita halves on two baking sheets. Spread ¼ cup pizza sauce on each pita half to within a half inch of the edge. Sprinkle each half with ¼ cup mozzarella. Arrange pepperoni slices on top of the cheese. Sprinkle each pizza with 1 tablespoon peppers and top with 1 teaspoon Parmesan.
Drizzle the oil over the pizzas.
Bake for 10 minutes, or until the cheese is melted.
Remove to serving plates and cut into quarters.
Makes 4 pizzas
Per pizza: 241 calories, 27 g carbohydrates, 13 g protein, 9 g total fat, 16 mg cholesterol, 4 g dietary fiber, 704 mg sodium
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Thought for the Day
"Love yourself. Cherish your developing strengths and capabilities."
I thought it fitting for our journeys.
Have a great day!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Words Have No Calories
I realize some of you will think this is silly. I may, also, in a week or so.
I previously stated after seeing Valerie Bertinelli on People Magazine in a bikini that, while she looked awesome, I just thought that after a certain age women shouldn't wear one.
I might have been wrong. We're all going to the beach in a couple of weeks and I was looking through my swimsuit drawer. I cleaned it out not too long ago but I kept a few two-piece suits. Not really thinking I'd actually wear them but they were still in good shape.
I tried them on this morning.
I have to say I was not displeased with what I saw in the mirror. Not perfect by any stretch, but not horrible either.
So I asked my husband if I would embarrass him if I wore them. He is brutally honest and won't just tell me what I want to hear - believe me! (I will also ask my sister when we're together since she is also honest.)
Billy said it wouldn't embarrass him but he is also the one who called me out for the whole "too old for a bikini" thing. It was pointed out that I no longer felt the same because I now had the body to do it.
And in a sense, he has a point.
Like I said, the body isn't perfect. There is still work to be finished. But there was a definite boost and a sense of pride when I looked in the mirror. Now these are not teeny tiny skimpy bikinis. I'd say they are modest two-pieces. If that isn't an oxymoron. So I don't think I'm trying to look like a teenager or anything. But I have worked hard and have achieved a major accomplishment and that can be celebrated, right?
And hey, Helen Mirren is rocking a two-piece at 60 so maybe 43 isn't too old, yet.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!
My first thought, and I don't think I'm too far off base, was that she didn't do it for the right reasons. I could be wrong. I'm sure she did want to lose the weight but she wasn't really committed to making the lifestyle changes that go with it. She participated, possibly, for the attention and notoriety and a chance to get back in the spotlight.
Now, she has also recently admitted to past life of drug use and such so I applaud her for kicking those habits. It also says to me that when she is ready to tackle the weight problem, REALLY tackle it, she has a wonderful chance at success since she has proven herself in the past.
I wish her luck.
As I do all of us as we work towards our goals, or maintaining them once we reach them. If you really get your head in the game and approach this quest mentally first and then physically, I feel certain you will get there.
Now, go have a great day!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I will finish my 30 day challenge tomorrow. I haven't lost any weight or broken through my slump - yet - but I can tell that my body is more toned. I should have taken measurements before I started but didn't think about it.
I did a little shopping lately and actually bought sizes that I honestly never thought I'd wear again. And was perfectly happy in that knowledge. I was able to wear some 4s and 6/6 petites this week. That's a long way from pushing out of a 12.
I try not to get caught up in the numbers. The day I was shopping I was also wearing pants that were a size 10 and the tank top was a large so sizes don't mean much and I don't get put much stock in the labels. BUT - it is pretty cool and it gives you a bit of a mental lift to actually see those sizes go down.
And I've always said that losing weight and getting healthy is actually mostly mental.
Hope everyone is having a great day and working towards those goals! I'd love to hear about your progress.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
I know. Be there, done that, doing it again.
Now comes the purple shirt. I'm sure I've shared this story before but I'm doing it again.
Several years ago my mom gave me a beautiful two-piece outfit. The skirt is a shiny purple snakeskin print material and the top is a soft, deep purple short-sleeved button up blouse. Now, while the outfit was my size when she gave it to me it really didn't fit. The buttons were stretched across the bust and the sleeves were so tight on my upper arms that Billy would have to hold them and pull down on them to help get me out of it.
Needless to say I didn't wear the outfit very much. But the color is so beautiful and is one of my good colors so I did suffer and wear it every once in a while. Since it wasn't a "go to" outfit it got sort of buried in the closet. That closet is now under construction so I've rediscovered a lot of things that I hadn't seen in a while.
Including the purple outfit.
I wore it the other day and almost cried. I went to the kitchen and had Billy look at it. The top hangs on me and the the sleeves don't even touch my arms.
Its a reminder of how far I've come. No matter that the scales haven't moved lately; they have moved. I can't get discouraged - I have achieved.
And I needed that reminder.
It doesn't matter if you've only lost 10 pounds or 50 pounds. Every pound is a struggle and an accomplishment. Be proud and don't give up.
I also reminded myself that muscle weighs more than fat so it could be that all the toning that I've been doing is working and the number on the scale may go up for a little while. No one but me knows what that number is so what does it matter?
Sometimes it is best to not look at that daily ups and downs but to remember the big picture. Remember where you started and take encouragement from that. Don't let yourself get bogged down in the short term issues but remember that bigger long-term goal and just keep working. You WILL turn it around and break through that wall and then just start tumbling down the other side.
Trust me. Be there, done that, can do it again.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Earning Your Rewards
Still gonna let it go since they are kids and all kids love donuts, but eating habits are formed in the young.
Anyway, it brought to mind my own childhood. My mom and dad taught my 5th grade Sunday School class. Actually, Mom taught and Dad was "crowd control". He was kind of a big man and could be pretty intimidating to rowdy 10 and 11 year olds. My mom used donuts as a reward for learning the books of the Bible. You got a donut hole if you like 5 or 10 straight, a donut if you did a whole Testament and a Texas donut if you could name all the books of Bible in order without a mistake.
Texas donuts were the size of dinner plates.
Have I mentioned that I am an overachiever?
Food is often used as a reward. While I'm not necessarily against that in principle, you do have to watch it if your goal is to lose weight. Having a bowl of ice cream or a piece of cake or an extra slice of pizza because you dropped a few pounds or ran an extra mile or rode your bike today really can be counterproductive. Not in an individual case so much as the pattern you are establishing.
The opposite is true also. Food shouldn't be used when things are going well. You can't allow yourself to let up just because you've hit a wall. You can't just give up and say one of this won't hurt I'm not losing any weight anyway.
Food is the fuel for our bodies. No more no less. We can still enjoy it and have celebrations with it but you can't give it a power that it doesn't possess. It is what it is.
So look at non-food rewards for those milestones. New clothes or shoes or a massage or whatever. And when you hit the wall or a slump, as I have right now, then change something up. Add a new exercise, or push your comfort level a little on an existing routine. Surprising your body is usually the best way to get to wake up and respond.
Now go have a great day! (Hopefully easy on the donuts)
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Click here: Meet Butch Lumpkin - Golf Video Golf Channel
ANYTHING is possible if we want it bad enough and are willing to work.
Denise Austin's Thought for the Day
— Denise
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Part 2
Apparently volleyball is not a spectator sport for me.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Here is my update after week one of Active's 30 Day Challenge:
1. It is a good workout. These challenge days focus more on strength training and toning but there is a little cardio mixed in. They are only about 20 minutes long so it is a mix of lots of different activities. I really do work up a sweat, though, in that short amount of time!
2. When it says the day is a Rest day, it means it. I was chided twice last week for not resting on the day I was supposed to. On one of those days I did one of the preset workouts and on the other I built a custom one. I don't know who gave EA Sports the dictionary, but their version of an "Easy" workout did not agree with mine! I worked up more of a sweat with that one than I had the previous two days!
3. The custom workout was good, but I missed some of the other tabs to select activities from so mine was not as varied as I wanted, and I only did it for about a 15 minute time span. I was supposed to be resting you know!
4. I like the journal and all the "trophies" you can earn. Got one for walking the dogs outside for an hour (the Fresh Air trophy) and have some for so many laps on the track and for building a custom workout, etc. I know they are just pretend, but I like watching the screen fill up with colors as I achieve the goals. Kind of cool.
5. There is a lot of good feedback. I've been scolded for not eating enough vegetables or drinking enough water, but it loves that I don't eat fast food and that I make working out a priority.
So, I'm looking forward to the next week to see what lies in store. Today is a rest day, and I will rest. I think I'll need it. I've been told I'm being introduced to basketball tomorrow. Can't wait to see how that works!
Everyone, GET MOVING and have a great day!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
EA Sports launched at new Wii fitness game yesterday at 9 AM. I think Billy had me a copy just after lunch.
I'm very impressed right now and I'll keep you posted. It appears to do the one thing that I wished the Wii Fit would do - string together exercises for a routine. I'm starting with the 30 day challenge and each day (work out two days, rest one day) there is a different routine to follow - about 20 minutes worth of work. They combine cardio (running, tennis, boxing) and strength training. The game comes with a resistance band for the upper body work. There is also a journal to keep track of the number of glasses of water you drank, what other activities you participated in, servings of fruits and vegetables you ate. Not real detailed but more of a survey type format. It sets goals for that day and you get a medal for achieving the goals.
The first goal for me was a 20 minute workout to burn 98 calories. I burned 102. This morning it was 116 calories and I burned 135. Overachiever.
You are supposed to be able to design your own workout routines and I will investigate that after I work through the preset ones and see what all is available.
So I'm adding a new wrinkle to my fitness program. That usually helps wake your body up from doing the same old thing every day.
Hopefully you'll follow along on my 30 days and let's see where I end up!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
1. I've lost 20 pounds only since this time last year. I'm at 50 total over the two year period. That is the reference point for the 53 lost and a little rebound. The rebound was 3 pounds not 33.
2. The first sentence should say - if you have a Wii, jump on it....
3. And yes, I know that 363 days is not a full year, but let's not quibble.
Apparently I should not post while partying...
Monday, May 18, 2009
A Year in Review
Anyway, I stopped to think about how far I've come in the last year - aside from the 20 pounds I lost. Almost exactly 20 pounds. Now, for those who follow regularly you'll note that I had actually gotten down to 53 pounds lost but I rebounded a little. The important part about that is to remind you that it happens. It happens to everyone. You will hit plateaus, brick walls and completely go in the wrong direction for a while. Don't worry. Stick with your plan. Understand that it is a part of the process. Don't let it get you down and derail you.
So, what else have I gained besides those 3 pounds? I have a high score of 635 in the soccer ball heading and I can routinely complete the advanced table tilt game. That means my balance has greatly improved. In fact, the Wii no longer asks me if I trip when I walk. That was a big bonus. I can do most of the yoga poses - without falling over. I can fairly easily jog for 30 minutes. Something I wouldn't have considered a year ago. I can do the advanced levels on most of the balance games, but sitting still in the Zen game for 3 minutes still presents a challenge.
I can also play real tennis for about an hour or ninety minutes. And actually play tennis. Not just try to hit a ball against the wall. Not going to join a league any time soon, but I'm so far ahead of where I was this time last year.
Anyway, I see progress. I see a year well spent. I see a person in the mirror that is happy with herself. I also see taking on new challenges. Continuing to push myself just a little more. I see someone who is fit and healthy.
I see me.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
For this blog, I want to think about how we can allow labels to define us, or not define us. In my case, there are two important labels that can be attached to me.
I am an asthmatic and I am a diabetic.
Facts, plain and simple. But what I do with those labels, or about those labels, is what makes a difference. As an asthmatic I can qualify for handicap parking. I consider myself very fortunate, though, that I don't have to have it. And why don't I? Because I don't let it define me. Yes, it is a big part of my life and a condition that I can't ignore. The results of that could be fatal. I was very sick growing up. But my parents asked what could be done to improve the situation.
I started improving my lung function. Then I added aerobics (it was the 80s!) and more exercise. I kept trying to improve my lungs so I could do more. Now, will I ever run a marathon - doubtful. Don't know that I could improve to that point. But I did do a 50 mile walk once, over a 3 day period. And I walk quite a bit now as a part of my every day life. And I swim in the summers when I can. So, while I have to be vigilant and watch out for my triggers and keep my inhaler close in case of emergencies, I don't let that one label be an obstacle to my health.
Same thing for diabetes. I use it to my advantage. For years I eliminated just about anything with added sugar. No desserts. No cookies, ice cream, nothing. People looked at me like I was crazy and I heard on more than one occasion - one little bite won't hurt. Maybe not. But if I didn't make some fairly substantial changes in my lifestyle and eating habits then one bite might have been the one bite too many and my pancreas shuts down. Then I become insulin-dependent. Since I'm already insulin-resistant that doesn't sound like a good position to be in. So in that case I used the label to my advantage. Used it almost like a shield against bad eating habits. It took a while, but it has paid off.
Labels are labels. They are statements of fact. But they don't have to define us in a negative way. By themselves they don't possess that power. Only we can grant them the ability to influence our decisions - positively or negatively. Use that power wisely.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
I'm all for brown-bagging lunches; it's getting it together in the morning that's a challenge. I'd always rather have the girls - and my husband, too - eat something nutritious that I've prepared myself than leave them to buy food that isn't as fresh and tasty as mine. Here's my solution: a quick-to-make, absolutely delicious wrap; you can make the chutney sauce the night before and spend just a few minutes in the morning assembling them. Super easy!
If you happen to be making a roast chicken dinner, consider making a second chicken and saving some of the meat for this terrific wrap. Or use some rotisserie chicken from the market, or even some sliced smoked turkey breast. And if you don't have any chutney in the fridge, treat yourself to a jar of this popular condiment - I like Major Grey's chutney (it's a type, not a brand). The mango and pear flavors are great additions when you're looking to jazz up a chicken dinner.
Chutney Chicken Wrap
2 tablespoons chutney
1/4 cup low-fat mayonnaise
4 low-fat tortillas (8-inch diameter)
4 large red-lettuce leaves
2 cups shredded cooked chicken breast, or 8 ounces sliced smoked turkey breast
1 cup finely shredded carrots
Mix the chutney and mayonnaise in a small bowl. If you have time, cover and refrigerate for 20 minutes for the flavors to develop.
Spread a scant 1 1/2 tablespoons of the chutney mixture on each tortilla. Top each with a lettuce leaf, 1/2 cup chicken or 2 ounces turkey, and 1/4 cup carrots. Roll the wraps tightly and cut in half diagonally.
Makes 4 wraps
Per wrap: 269 calories, 30g carbohydrates, 23g protein, 6g total fat, 53mg cholesterol, 2g dietary fiber, 471mg sodium
Now, go have a wonderful day!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Dedication, or Obsession
Now, to clarify, some days I've done nothing more than weigh and the two balance games that I start every day with so let's don't be too impressed.
Some days I feel like that guy in the old Dunkin' Donuts commercial - half asleep, trudging to work, mumbling "gotta make the donuts".
But I've found that it does start my day off right. And the longer I can work out the better. That point has been driven home lately.
In the post-busy season slump, and contented in the fact that I had reached my goal, I stopped doing as much cardio, sleeping an extra 30 minutes instead of stepping, and just doing the balance games and not pushing myself. As a result, a few pounds have crept back on - even crossed back over that magic normal/overweight line twice in the last couple of weeks - and I don't have the energy that I did when I was getting up at 4:30 every morning.
Lesson learned.
It is important to have a routine and a schedule. For me, exercise is the real key to both losing my weight and keeping it off. There has to be balance - you can exercise too much and that's not good either - but balance is important in everything.
Balanced meals, balanced lives.
So, while some people might do the math and say missing 1 day out of the last 135 is an obsession, I say it is dedication.
Dedication to myself. Dedication to a better me. Can't think of a better obsession.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
announcement! ANNOUNCEMENT!!
And so today...I have an announcement.
Minus 10 pounds and counting!!!
I have long been the queen of losing 3-5 pounds and then getting complacent - gaining them back and then losing them again.
Which is why I am so grateful for Deanne making this site. The tips are great, the insight is...well, insightful, but most importantly, she led by example.
And so...wanting to be like my "older and wiser" cousin, I set out on a similar goal.
And let me tell you, even 10 pounds lighter (30 more to go) feels great! I have gone down one size in clothing and I can tell a noticeable difference. I don't think it is noticeable to others yet (which is a little sad because at one time in my life 10 pounds was extremely noticeable, now not so much).
I have waited a few days to share the news because I wanted to make sure it was really gone. Ensure that it wasn't going to come back in a day or week or two. So now I even have a few pounds of cushion between me and my 10 pound loss.
And from here...I'm on to my next 10.
And I can't wait to see how good minus 20 might feel!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
First and foremost, I'm certain she feels she's let herself down.
That is why I harp so much on things like I do. Only improve yourself because YOU want to. The pressure you put on yourself is too much otherwise. And I don't support one program over another because I'm not sure you learn all that you need to about yourself when someone else is dictating what and when you eat.
I'm very proud of myself. Make no mistake. And I'm tickled to death that other people look at me and see something they can do also. But I'm glad for them, not because they want to be like me, but because they want to better themselves and see it as an attainable goal. The whole "if she can do it I can do it" thing.
I've said before that I fully, though incorrectly, thought I could do this and no one would notice. But now that losing 50 pounds is out there, I can see how Kirstie feels she let people down by gaining it back. I'm constantly watching myself and hoping I don't mess this up. Not because anyone else is putting pressure on me, but because I am counting on me. And I'm glad that I can be a positive role model and an example of what can be done if you apply yourself.
But you can see how easily you could slip back into old habits. Roll over in bed a few mornings instead of getting up to exercise. Tell yourself that one little piece of cake won't matter. Have just a little more pasta for dinner.
In her case, a new spokesperson came along. And I've said that Valerie Bertinelli looks fantastic - even though you'll not catch me in a bikini. I'm sure that lead to some of Kirstie's backsliding - she wasn't the one being watched all the time, wasn't the one with an exciting new goal. She'd met her goal and just needed to maintain it. I'm sure that was hard to deal with and the emotions got the better of her.
So I go back to my original statements:
Improve yourself for yourself. If no one is watching, so much the better.
Use your brain. It is the most important weapon you have in the battle for better health. You can think your way through situations instead of making emotional decisions.
Accept and love yourself. Better health is a constant effort that takes time. You have to love yourself at all stages. That doesn't mean you have to resign yourself to what you are - you can be better. But acknowledge that you are a work in process and some phases of construction go more quickly than others.
Follow what works for you. I will probably never run a marathon. But I can walk to work just about every day. I may never play anyone in tennis other than my family. But I can give that match my best effort every time. I'll never, ever be a vegetarian - vegetables are not my thing. But I can watch what I do eat and how much.
Educate yourself. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Surround yourself - with support and knowledge and all the things you need to be a success.
Now, go have a great day!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Before and After - By Request
But, this blog is all but trying to help/inspire/support others so if it works, here you go.
This was December 2006 - just before I got serious about the healthy lifestyle in January 2007.
December 2008 - roughly 50 pounds into the process. Naunie still looks good doesn't she! This is the most current that I have.
So, it's done. Hope it helps.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Can You Work Out on the Phone?
Who doesn't love a long chat on the phone with an old friend or a family member who lives far away? If you're blessed with the gift of gab — as I am! — you can use that time to your fitness advantage.
Turn your next phone call into a workout by pretending to sit down in a chair! How? Instead of sitting on the couch or in a chair, lean your back lightly against a wall, making sure to press your spine flat. Then, as if you are sitting down in a chair, slowly lower your body along the wall until your knees are bent to at least a 45-degree angle (but don't go lower than 90 degrees). Hold the position for as long as you can: Start with 20 seconds and work your way up to 60-second intervals. Repeat the exercise every few minutes during a phone call and you'll really give those thighs a workout!
Makes you wonder what else you can do to get those workouts in. I've heard of people that also do exercises while talking on a cordless phone - walking around the room, plies', dancing while you're dusting, and so forth. Just another reminder that getting your 30 minutes of exercise in doesn't always have to be a set routine at a set time. It doesn't have to be a disruption in you're everyday life. Look for new and creative ways to work your body and pretty soon, like everything else we're doing, these things will become habits and you won't even realize that you're doing it!
Now, go have a great day!