Pizza, Pasta
Fortunately, I also walked.
A lot.
Miles. Easy to do when you keep getting lost.
Here's the really cool part (not that all of the above were not really cool) - I came home from Italy having lost 2/10th of a pound.
I say that not to brag. I think the real victory was not in losing but was just not gaining. (I've managed to do that since I got home and am no longer walking miles and miles every day).
My point is this, and I've said it before, don't let your quest for a healthy lifestyle ruin any fun. Yes, I paid attention to what I ate. I ate gelato once. We split the tiramisu and the cannolli. But I didn't miss out on a truly wonderful experience with food because I was watching my weight.
You still have to experience life, just do it smartly.
I've always said your brain IS the most important tool you have in this battle so use it.
Just for grins, here are the pictures of our Thanksgiving lunch. While all of you were eating healthy turkey and vegetables this was ours:
Spaghetti and Grilled Sausages over French Fries. I didn't have a vegetable for over a week. Couldn't find green beans on the menu....